Seven: I Watched A Change In You

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"Wait, wait." Michael said, proceeding to crumble up a paper sheet he had previously written something on.
I had been watching them from the corner of my eyes ever since the lesson started, I could see the bully aiming the paper at me.
I snapped up before he threw it which ended up in me getting hit straight in the head with the ball.

"What the fuck!" I held my head in pain, I have no idea how a crumbled up paper could hurt that much but it hurt as if it were a rock.
There was a moment of silence in the room as the situation tensed up.
"Excuse you?" The teacher turned around from the blackboard with her hands on her hips.
This was the opportunity to tell her that those little rats were being bastards the whole lesson and I took it.

"I- I apologize, but these guys just threw a paper at my head and they've been annoying me the whole lesson." I pointed to the two, surprisingly they were still laughing.
"It wasn't just paper." Jeremy said, causing me to open the sheet and see a pink eraser sitting at the center of the scribbled paper.

"You're just pure evil, I can't believe you." I threw the rubber at his head back and he yelped scooting back in his chair.
Michael quickly took action pulling at my own chair and making it fall.
"Oops, my foot slipped." He grinned down at me making my blood boil.

"Would you three stop? We're trying to learn." The smart girl, or whatever, said.
"Mind your own business, you're not the teacher." I growled in her direction.
"But I am, you, you and you, out and you'll have detention later this afternoon." Mrs. Butts pointed at each of us and then at the door.
"What? I was just defending myself!" I stood up quickly.
"It doesn't matter, (l/n), out." She gritted her teeth.

I picked my seat up and murmured under my breath as the other two did the same.
We reached the outside of the classroom after various hateful glances and I shoved Michael away.
"What is wrong with you two?" I asked shaking my head.
"A lot, I guess." They snickered and started walking away.
I scoffed and went the opposite way, looking for the women's restroom, it didn't take long to find it, it was just some steps away.

I looked around at the many colorful writings on the white walls.
I found them so funny and I always thought they were an awesome way of remembering the older times, all the people that had been here, all the times they've cried in here, smoked in here, laughed in here, put their make-up in here.
I found it so impressive and it was entertaining to imagine different generations writing what they just did on the walls.

I looked around for an empty spot and when I finally came across one I pulled out a sharpie I had in my hoodie's pocket since that summer.
I went near it and I already knew what to mark the wall with, I leaned on it and got on my tip toes, then I started signing the white paint.

'Michael Afton is an asshole' the marker loudly going up and down making small shrieks from time to time put a grin on my mouth.
I pulled away from my creation, sliding the black sharpie back into my pocket and making my way out again.
With a soft smile still plastered on my face, I directed myself to the entrance of my classroom and waited for the bell to ring.

The screeching noise echoed in my ears and I happily walked back to my seat.
"I hope you've learned your lesson... Where are the other two?" The woman asked.
"I don't know, I went to the bathroom and they were gone." I didn't even turn around and just kept going forward.
Lilith looked at me, weirded out, and grabbed my sleeve.
"Why're you laughing?" She questioned.
"Nothing much, don't worry about it, dear." I pat her red mullet leaving her even more concerned.

"No, bro, seriously what did you do?" Lena asked me once I sat my body on the wooden seat.
"I said nothing, don't worry, it wasn't illegal." Actually it was illegal, but everyone did it, so who cares?
"Did you make out with one of them or something?" Alexia turned around, too, I pulled a disgusted face.
"Absolutely not, I said it's nothing, stop worrying so much." I was losing my patience with them.
"If I were you I would do it." The redhead's mouth curved into a small smirk.

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