Three: This Is The Best Day Ever

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I opened my phone and saw three missed calls from Alexia, instantly I clicked her name and called back.
The line beeped for a few seconds.
"Dumbass turn around." I heard the girl's voice say.
I did as she said and saw her and Lena waving at me a few steps away.

I ran towards them excitedly and stopped inches away from their bodies, proceeding to hug them both at the same time.
"Morning ladies." I said backing up and giving them space to breathe.
They greeted me back in unison.

"So about that Michael dude..." Lena started, I slowly shifted my gaze to her and raised my eyelids.
"He is the worst, I literally only saw him on the bus and he already tried cutting my earbuds off!" I complained.
"Is he fine though?" Alexia joked, I didn't enjoy that joke at all and pushed her slightly.
"He isn't ugly, but he's a fucking asshole." I mean, he really wasn't that bad, physically but his personality ruined everything.

"Makes sense." She replied, I crossed my arms and realization hit me
"But why do you care? Aren't you literally lesbian?" I said.
Alexia nodded "Yeah, and I already have a crush, too, I was asking for YOU" she pointed her finger at me.

"You have a crush? Oooh who is it?" I put a hand over my mouth.
"All I really know is that her name's Jane and she sounded british, she must be new." She described.
"Have you seen her or..?" I asked

Lena nodded for her.
"She did, and I did too, she's a very pretty girl actually." She smiled.
"Oh my god, yes, she's got like straight red dyed hair, glasses, and she was wearing tripp pants and a corset looking shirt." Alexia continued.
I let out another "ooh" and smirked.
"She does sound very cute, mind sharing, Alexia?" I elbowed her.

She elbowed me harder and arched her eyebrows.
"Fuck off." All three of us laughed lightly.
"(Y/n), will you actually put an effort in school this year?" Lena asked.
I blinked fastly with a straight face "Uh, no, as always I'll cheat and do the bare minimum to pass." I replied

"Same" the girls said together and I sighed.
"I'm not ready for the bullying." I groaned
"Look, we'll try our best to help, let's just stick together." Alexia proposed.

"Actually no." I thought "if you can't beat the enemy, become worse than him." I knew that wasn't how it went but oh well.
"You know that's-" I hushed Lena
"I know how it is but I'm saying we either get on their level or get worse than them and gain their respect either way." I shrugged "It's not like we were that far from becoming like them anyways."

The black haired girl stared at me in confusion
"Who is 'them'?"
I slapped my face annoyed and dragged it down.
"My middle school bullies, Alexia."
Her face lit up and she started nodding.
"That makes perfect sense, I thought we were talking about the teachers for a second." She giggled.

"Oh my god, Lex." Lena said, shaking her head.
I was about to say something but got cut off by the bell ringing in my ears and signing the beginning of the school day.
"Let's go, we better get the last places." I yanked at the girls' arms and started running towards the class I had been told I was going to be in.

The floor was still extremely slippery from when the janitors cleaned it last and I almost fell a few times, but got my balance back right before hitting the pavement extremely hard.

To no surprise, when we walked in our new classroom there was only one free spot in the last row, the others were already occupied by backpacks or people.

I launched my bag at the only one remaining, it was close to the window so it was even better, distracting myself would have been so easy.
"Sorry girls, you know I love you." I walked to my new table and sat down shaking my school bag and taking out a sketchbook and a pencil.

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