Eleven: Too Bad

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I sprung up from the couch as I heard my doorbell being rung, my feet loudly thumping on the floor with excitement as I ran to open the door.
I was met with the three girls I had planned to meet up with previously, all smiling.

Quickly I invited them inside but Alexia stopped me.
"I need to get the drums, can you help me?" She asked.
"Oh, I totally forgot, of course." I turned to the other two with their instruments' cases on their backs and told them to wait in the garage.

The cold wind started blowing, leaving me shivering as I lifted the heavy pieces of the instrument from Alexia's mom's
car trunk. It took us exactly two journeys to take all the pieces out but fortunately the assembling part was the quickest and only took us about ten minutes.

"You guys are kinda early, what's up with that?" I mentioned, looking at the time on my phone.
"Well we thought putting the drums together would take a longer time." Said Lena, scratching the back of her neck as she plugged in her amplifier.
"I told them it doesn't but no one would listen, not even my mom." Alexia shook her head, pretending to be mad.

"So is Michael coming?" Lilith interrupted and looked around with excitement in her eyes.
I chuckled unsure what else to do and said he'd be coming pretty soon.
"But it's gonna be so awkward, I've never played nor sung in front of others, ugh..." I rubbed my face trying to change the subject to not think of the guy.
"Just relax, how are we gonna give concerts if you keep acting like that?" Lena started tuning her instrument in silence.
I huffed "I don't know, are you guys not nervous at all?" I glanced at the others.
"Oh, I'm actually dying inside, I'm not ready at all." Lilith grinned widely to hide her emotions.

Obviously, I could tell she was only tense because her crush was going to be watching, but I felt reassured knowing I wasn't the only one freaking out.
"How about we play a bit to loosen up?" Alexia offered.
"You're right, which song?" I went towards my own guitar and let it hang off my neck.
"Our Lady of Sorrows, best warm-up song." Lena said.
I nodded and counted to three before we all started playing.

Lilith started playing the fast riff and I followed her with a simpler one.
Alexia also started hitting on her drums and, although Lena was quieter than the rest, she was still clearly playing an amazing bass line.
The moment came that I had to join in with the vocals, I felt embarrassed and watched but I went in confidently anyways.

Obviously I had backup vocalists too, the bassist and the other guitarist; they joined in halfway through the verse at times, just like the original song.

"Trust, you said
Who put the words in your head?
Oh, how wrong we were to think
That immortality meant never dying"

I put my whole heart and soul in those lines, as they were my favorite.
Just like that the song was already finishing, before we knew it we strum the final chords and chanted the last lines.
"Holy shit, after all this time we're still this good?" Alexia smirked from behind her instrument.
"I guess so, damn, even I'm surprised." I replied turning around, my fingertips slightly ached from pressing on the cold metal strings but it felt nice knowing I had made no mistakes.

"I think we could actually get famous if we started taking this seriously." The bass player shrugged.
"I agree, but we don't even have a name." The redhead pointed out.
"Oops, forgot about that." The other replied.
"Whatever, we'll think about it another time, let's play something else." I interrupted "Divine." I continued and waited for Lexi to start playing this time.

Pretty clearly, I didn't sound exactly like Jonathan Davis, I mean it's pretty hard to achieve that same tone but I was kinda close, I suppose.

"You know what,
Fuck you, I'm fed up with you.
I'm not as good as you
Fuck no, I'm better than you."

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