Twelve: Creep

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Me and Michael stayed in my garage, talking about anything that crossed our minds.
I couldn't help but notice he kept looking in my eyes, it made me feel happy because it meant he wasn't joking around with our friendship.

"Sweetie- oh Michael, hello." My mom walked in with her pajamas on and smiled.
"Good evening, Mrs (l/n)." He greeted.
"It's almost midnight, are your parents not worried?" She asked.

Michael's eyes widened "Already? But, no they know I'm here, I live right in front of here anyways, if it's a problem I'll leave." He sat straight on the chair.
"Oh no, not at all, just try not to be too loud, I'll go to sleep." She said in a whisper.
"Goodnight mom." I grinned softly and she nodded as she closed the door.

"What were we talking about?" I asked once we were alone again.
"Uh... Which Deftones song is the sexiest one, I think." He reminded me.
"Oh, right, so definitely Mascara." I firmly said.
"Sure, but the meaning is depressing as hell." He gestured.
"I know right, imagine your own wife not liking your songs." I frowned, it must feel so bad to know the person you love the most doesn't appreciate your work as much as they're supposed to.
"Well that won't happen with us." Michael smirked.
I stuttered and turned bright red at his words, maybe he was just joking but it made me lose my mind.

"What... Do you mean by that?" I panicked out.
"You'll see." He sat unbothered and smiled like not a single thing happened.
"Wh- Okay, anyways, uhm." I fixed my position and he chuckled.
"You're all red." He laughed louder and I put my hand on his mouth.
"Shut up, you'll wake the whole family up, dickhead." This time, his face got red.

I got off him and he sighed joyfully "Sorry... Wait what did you just call me?" He furrowed his eyebrows.
"What you are, a dickhead." I grinned feeling my body cool down again.
"Bitch." He pushed me off the chair with a loud thump.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry I didn't actually want to push you off." He snickered.
"Oh you'll pay for this." I held my back in pain.
"Yeah, yeah, sure." He mocked.

I rose from the ground groaning, Michael received a notification on his phone.
"Oh, it's mom, gotta go." He stood up with me and we quietly went towards my house's entrance.
I unlocked the door for him and held it open, he walked out and stopped for a second.
"So, see you tomorrow?" He questioned
"Yup." I put my hands in my pockets.
"Right then, goodnight (y/n)." He smiled and waved.
I took my hands out to hold the door and wave back at him.
"Night, Mike." He turned around and I closed the entrance, locking it once more.

I went to the bathroom and quickly washed off my eyeliner with a small amount of micellar water.
Then I proceeded to get my pajamas on, I groaned as I remembered I still had to plan an outfit for tomorrow.

I stretched and moved towards my closet.
I decided to wear another jean skirt, this time grey, a Slipknot shirt and obviously also a pair of black tights and that was it.
I placed all the clothing on my chair and instantly went to sleep after putting my two most used devices to charge.
Falling asleep was much easier than any other time, since I had done a lot in comparison to other days.

However I woke up in the middle of the night, exactly two hours before I had planned, and I couldn't fall back asleep.
I groaned and sat up on my bed after many failed attempts of going back to dreaming while turning around over and over.
I rubbed my eyes and took a look at my alarm clock, '4.16' is what it read.

I shrugged and decided to take a long and relaxing shower since I had so much time to waste.
I stepped out of the warm bedding and arched my spine to get ready for the day, or night.
I headed to the shower quietly and made sure I didn't knock anything over.
I carefully undressed myself and twisted the shower's knob until warm water started pouring out of the small holes.
I held my arms together and finally jumped in the closed space, the hot drops running down my skin gave me the opposite effect of the one I was trying go achieve; they woke me up even more instead of calming my body down.

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