Eight: Backstabber

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"I still didn't forgive you for getting us in trouble by the way." I pointed to Michael as I started eating a cracker.
"It wasn't my idea." He justified himself and tilted his head in the other direction.
"Dude, yes it was, I just suggested the eraser part." Jeremy argued, I rolled my eyes.
"I don't care whose idea it was, it's still wrong and now we all have detention."
"So, no band practice?" Lena joined in, making the other two girls turn around.

I smiled knowing she finally decided to help me in my little "mission" of finding out what Michael's problem was.
"Nope, no band practice, unless you guys can come over after dinner?" I proposed.
"I don't have a problem with it, I'd gladly come." Lilith smiled.
"Wait, (y/n) mind introducing us to your little girlfriends?" Mike sunk back into his chair, nodding at the others.

"Why don't you ask them directly, they have voices and they don't bite, unlike me." I half-jokingly admitted.
"Right, whatever." The guy rolled his eyes.

"I'm Alexia, I'm the drummer of the band." The black haired girl began, twisting her spine to face us three.
"I'm Lena, the bassist." She introduced with a bored voice.
"I'm Lilith, I'm the lead guitarist, nice meeting you!" The teenager smiled widely and waved.

"Cool, cool, I'm Michael and he's Jeremy."
Jeremy punched his shoulder "I can speak for myself." He said slightly angered.
"Nice meeting you, ladies." He winked.
"Ew." I said jokingly causing the blond one to turn around and look at me with an intimidating glare.
"She's got a point, or maybe it's just because I'm a lesbian." Alexia shrugged.
"Congrats on coming out but I didn't ask." Jeremy grinned.
"I'm reconsidering this whole "friendship" thing." The black haired girl admitted.
"Sorry, sorry." Jeremy apologized.

"So, like, what kinda music do you play?" Michael asked.
"What kinda music do you think we play? Hip hop? Indie rock?" Lena rolled her eyes "obviously we have to follow the leader." She pointed at me making the others look in the same direction.
"Is that a Korn reference?" Lilith asked.
"Shit, I didn't think about it but it is."

I smiled widely, everything was going according to plan and everyone seemed to be enjoying their time, but one thing still bugged me, how Michael would become after school.
Since we'd have to spend detention together, I'd get to see more of him and Jeremy but what about the bus ride?
Jaxon would've probably waited for the guy so they could shit talk about me and the others for all the painful minutes on the bus.
Or maybe he'd get the balls to tell him that what they've been doing is wrong and hurtful and hopefully my brother would either; stop being a dick or stop being friends with the other.

"You good?" The girl in front of me questioned while pushing on my arm.
"Huh? Yeah, just thinking." I nodded and fixed my sitting position.
"About what?" The brown haired guy asked me.
"Deez nuts in yo mouth." I grinned leaving his mouth opened, curved into a slight smirk.

I high fived Lena and leaned back into my chair.
The bell rang once again, signaling the end of break and the beginning of the chemistry lesson.
"Bro we're about to be like My Chemical Romance in the I'm Not Okay video." Alexia giggled.
"Oh my God, yes, let's blow shit up and piss in a fish tank." I replied sarcastically, making the girl laugh even louder.

"Students, follow me into the chemistry lab, please." An old, bald man stood in the doorway for just a second before heading right.
The whole group of teenagers quickly rose from their seats ready to go elsewhere.

"You do know we actually won't do any experiments at all today, right?" I informed Alexia.
She pouted in response and I continued explaining "We have to learn, like, the elements and shit." The group and I started following behind the rest of the class.
"Aw, man, I thought I'd get the chance to blow up something without having to face any consequences."
"In your dreams." I pushed her softly.

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