Four: You Were My Brother

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To be honest I don't think any other "back to school" days were as bad as this one, truly I wanted to throw myself out of the window.
It wouldn't have hurt either way, seeing as we were on the first floor, but hey, at least I could escape.

I slammed my locker door and picked up my bag, and who do I see? You guessed it right! It was Michael and his gang!

Lena had already left since her bus was earlier than mine, Alexia was on the other side of the school so I was all alone with those monstrosities.
"Sis! What a pleasure seeing you here." I heard Jaxon say obviously sarcastically.

"Pleasure's all yours." I started walking towards the exit, the hallways were pretty much empty, especially our side.
"Don't be rude, say hi to my friends!"
I turned around and grinned
"Hi kids!" I greeted making them pull weird faces.

"Also, they're coming over today, mom said she's happy to see them." Jaxon informed me.
"Perfect, I hope you have fun." I once again headed for the exit, putting in my earbuds without any music.

"Bro not gonna lie, your sister's kinda hot." I heard one say, almost gagged at his remark but kept walking.
"She's an annoying bitch." Michael's voice spoke.
"Maybe but you gotta admit she's got a nice a-" Jeremy was cut off by my brother punching his arm.

"You guys are gross, she's still my sister."
Was he taking my side? Wow, how rare.
"Michael what do you think?" The unknown guy asked.
"I already said it, she's annoying as fuck, nothing else." He spat out in all honesty.

I finally reached the outside and didn't stop walking for a second, I wanted to get to the bus before those animals did.

The music still wasn't playing but I could hear small chirps and cars passing by, some dog barking from very far away and teenagers laughing audibly.
The sun was high up in the sky and heating my body up more than it should have.

Once arrived at the bus station I looked for the bus to my city, the motors and honks loudly rumbling through the place.
Once I saw my city's name I ran towards the open doors and got on, sweating a bit.

The seats were all free, or almost.
I decided to avoid conflict that afternoon and instead of sitting at the back, I sat one row in front.
It's not like I did it on purpose to annoy the guys, I just promised mom that I would keep an eye on him once he'd get in highschool.

Shortly after I turned my mp3 player on I saw Jaxon and all his friends walk by the bus.
A girl started heading towards the back and I furrowed my eyebrows, I stopped her by tugging at her shirt.
"If I were you I'd find another spot, you don't wanna get beat up, do you?" I warned her.

She turned around scared and nodded sitting in front of me.
"Who sits there?" She stumbled over her own words.
"A bunch of assholes, I know them very well..." I sighed "there they are."
She turned to the front and watched as the teenage boys went ahead loudly laughing.

"Ah I see... Thanks for warning me." She smiled.
"No problem." I just looked out of the window but quickly got bored.
I pulled out my sketchbook, not being able to hear the bullies behind me but I did feel them pushing on my seat.
I started sketching out the girl Alexia and Lena told me about earlier that morning.

I tried my best to get her to look as close as the description they gave me as possible, but it wasn't easy without any reference at all.
I smiled down at my own drawing, humming to the tune that was playing as I colored in the lines.
I added a small signature at the bottom before getting my book ripped away.

I took out one of my earbuds and slowly turned my head around to see Jaxon showing everyone my drawing.
"Who is this? Your girlfriend?!" He laughed.
"You're gay?" Michael asked.
"Oh my fucking god." I stood up and grabbed my book back pulling it from my brother's hands, but he wasn't giving up.

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