Sixteen: Heavenly

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When dinner was over, Michael walked me to the exit and closed the door behind him.
"So this is official, it's real, right?" He asked as he crossed his uncovered arms to warm himself.
"Yes it is, feels weird right?" I smiled and closed my jacket further.
"Not too weird, it feels like the right choice, just unexpected." He explained.

I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, the guy didn't hesitate to wrap his own around my waist.
"It's cold." Mike pointed out.
"Or maybe you should've listened to you mom when she told you to take a jacket." I reminded him.
"Listen, I wouldn't think it was gonna be this cold." He continued complaining.
"So are you only hugging me because you're cold?" I joked.

The boy then moved his hands on my face and kissed me for an instant.
"I'm obviously just in love with you." He said with ease, making my heart thump as loud as a few hours ago when we first kissed.
"I feel the same way." I replied
"Say it then."
"Michael Afton, I am in love with you." I said half jokingly, because yes, I was in love with him but I didn't want to make it sound too corny.

"Go home now, and please send me the answers to the math homework." He broke the hug and grabbed his doorknob once more.
"Pfft you think I've done it?" I asked baffled, not only was I locked out for the whole day, but also I hadn't understood a single thing about the homework.
"One can still dream!" He exclaimed while going back in his home.

Not even a minute after, I was already in my own house and taking off my jacket.
"Mom!" I called out from the entrance, the adult came out of her bedroom with a smile on her face and greeted me.
"I need to tell you a very important thing." I grinned widely and invited her to sit next to me on the sofa.
Me and Michael already decided that we didn't want to keep the relationship private, so I had to tell my mom before anyone else.

"I'm dating Michael..." I continued as her smile also grew with mine.
"That's amazing, oh the development you two had is so sweet!" She held my hands and excitedly let out a giggle.
"I know! I'm just kinda nervous to tell Jaxon, I mean he'll have to know sooner or later..." I admitted, the main issue with telling Jaxon is that he'd constantly make stupid remarks like 'why would you go for my sister when you have so many other options' and it would get annoying fast.

"Maybe let Michael do that instead, it'd be easier, no?" My mother spoke.
"Yeah, you're right... Well, I think I'll head to sleep now." I stood up after giving the woman a warm hug "nighty night, mom!" I finished and started walking towards my bedroom.

After getting everything ready for the next day, I laid in my bed smiling and holding my hands up to my heart.
As I was starting to get sleepy, I received a message, of course it was my boyfriend.
'look at my window a sec' I read.
I sat up on my bed and looked out of my window and towards his, he was waving at me and I laughed.

What are you doing?

Waving you goodnight ofc

I looked back up at him and mouthed a "goodnight" which he replicated right after me.
I blew him a kiss and went back in my bed, truly ready to fall asleep.
Indeed only a few minutes after, I was already lost in my dreams and resting peacefully.

The next morning I woke up as I normally would, I took my phone in my hands and read Michael's text messages, there I remembered we were now a couple and I, once again, could not stop smiling.
I shook my head and concentrated on the matter that was most important, getting ready for school.
Firstly, I made sure my shutters were still closed to avoid any unwanted eyes on me, then I shuffled my way to the light switch and flipped it.

My eyes burned from the drastic lightning change but it didn't take too long to get used to it.
As usually, I grabbed the clothes I prepared the night before and quickly changed into them.
Because I felt it was way too cold to wear a skirt outside, I decided to wear some black jeans with horizontal slits running down the fabric, a white tank top with a bat on it and a black zip-up hoodie.

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