Ten: It's A Beautiful Ride

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Michael's POV

I didn't even realize (y/n) was falling asleep until I felt her head rest onto my shoulder.

I looked down surprised, thinking she was still awake, and I wanted to tell her to get off but she was so peacefully resting I couldn't do anything at all.
I wondered what even happens in her days to make her this exhausted, sure I'm tired after school too, but I rarely fall asleep on the bus.

I gazed at her, the sun from outside flashing on her skin making its temperature rise up lightly.
Right then Beauty School started playing in the earbuds.
I took a longer look again, she looked like an angel and behaved like one, did this girl have any defects at all?

The longer I stared at her, the more I felt like I would forget my own challenge, it was gonna be so easy to fall in love with a girl like her but I wasn't going to give up.

I see your face
And I know I'm alive

Honestly, I never expected her to actually be fun to be around, I thought she was going to be one of those annoying chicks who play cool in front of guys to impress them but then are just so boring when you get to know them.

I still couldn't get her friend out of my mind.
'maybe I should give her a chance, I don't have anything to lose in the end...'
I thought about it for some time and eventually agreed with my own opinion.

Lilith was really pretty after all and she seemed nice so I didn't see a reason why I shouldn't accept her feelings.
Also school was pretty boring and having a partner in my class could make it more fun so, why not?

I had to get to know her better first, though, and in that moment I remembered asking (y/n) if I could see her play some time.
She said she would practice tonight and that would be the perfect chance for me to get Lilith's number, all I had to do now was wait for the girl to wake up and ask her.

Minutes passed by like nothing at all, listening to music and looking around, soon I had to get off and so did (y/n).
I tapped her shoulder lightly while calling her name.

Her eyelids twitched until they opened fully and she looked up at me, quickly she raised her head from my shoulder and started apologizing.
"You could've woke me up, I- this is so embarrassing." She muttered sleepily.
"It's no big deal, really." I stretched up to reach for the red button and pressed it.

"It is for me, like, I barely know you and I was sleeping on your shoulder, it's embarrassing." She picked her backpack up and arched her back to stretch her spine.
"I mean, that's what friends do, I guess." I stood up and headed towards the center of the bus.
"Eh, if you say so." She spoke from behind me.

"By the way, can I come watch your band practice tonight?" I finally asked.
"Uh, sure, I'll call the girls up and I'll let you know if we're practicing, if we are it's gonna be at my house." She walked out.
"Cool, see you later, bye." I waved at her and walked in a different direction from her.

My house was still the one in front of hers, but I don't think she knew that and I wasn't planning on telling her either, just because... Because.

"I'm home." I slammed the entrance door and heard my mom's slippers coming towards me.
"Where were you?" She asked while softly embracing me.
"I had detention." I responded.
"Already?..." A slight look of disappointment on her face appeared as she broke the hug.
"Yeah... Sorry mom."

"Michael you have to put more effort in school." She sighed.
"I'm sorry."
"Just go heat up lunch, I won't tell your father about this but don't get in trouble again." She walked away and I put my jacket on the clothing hanger.

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