Two: Goodmorning Beautiful

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The sharp beeps of my alarm clock broke my inner silence, I breathed in and stretched my arms outwards looking for the small object.
I accidentally knocked it down off of my night table but still successfully turned it off.

I looked around, blinking a few times and yawning.
It was already six in the morning and the light outside was still not yellow enough to highlight my surroundings.
I glanced over at the balcony and through the blinds I met with a shade of cyan blending in with a soft shade of pink.

I sat up and jumped out of the comfortable and warm bed, being harshly welcomed by a cold atmosphere around my body.
I opened the shutters, without looking outside, seeing I had little to no time.
Instantly I started moving towards my desk grabbing the clothes I had prepared yesterday.

I arched my back and let out a whimper feeling my bones do a little 'crack' sound.
I decided to change into my room, hearing someone already occupying the bathroom.
I locked the door for extra safety and yanked off my bland shirt, putting an arm around my chest.

Struggling, I clipped my bra around my back then put a generous amount of deodorant under my arms.
I passed my head in my tank top's neck hole and pulled down on it, it was tight on my skin and I loved the way it defined my curves.

My jeans, instead, were slightly looser towards the ankles but not too tight around my thighs either.
I buckled my belt, a pretty black belt with a big butterfly as the hook, I adored it.

I finished off with my accessories and headed out, going to knock on the bathroom door.
"I'm almost done" a male voice replied from the  opposite side of mine.
The faucet started running and I almost fell back asleep until the door loudly opened.

"Oh hi, shithead"
I jumped, first off Jaxon looked like he hadn't showered in years by how much gel he put in his black hair.
Secondly it was the last person on earth I wanted to see in that moment, a true jumpscare.

I shoved him aside and stepped in the room locking my brother out, he chuckled and walked off.
I clenched my fists and groaned in anger, wanting to beat my head on the sink.

At the only thought of seeing those enormous assholes, I was already feeling a wave of frustration hit me.
I could still hear their laughs echoing in my brains, they were like needles going through my heart, being pulled out for a second and back in again.

I shook my head and went to face the mirror over the big ceramic bowl.
I twisted the metal knob that let a cold rush of water bounce in the white container and splash on my hands.
I bent my neck down and cupped my hands under the icy liquid, collecting it and afterwards pouring it on my features.

I spat some water out and twisted it shut again.
I grabbed the towel and left my lids closed as I passed it all over my wet face.
I rubbed a bit harder around my eye area so that any leftover make-up would wipe off.
I sighed and put the cloth back on its hanger, I put my hands on my hips and looked at my bare face before reaching for my cosmetics in the nearby drawer.

I took my liquid liner and drew a line starting from the bottom of my lash line and connecting it to the upper line.
I filled it in and did the same thing on my other side, I was surprised by how little time my make-up took that morning, and it also looked flawless.

I layered some mascara on my lashes, not too much, just the right amount to make my lashes look longer but with no clumps.
I finished the look with some cherry chapstick that I always applied.

I smacked my lips and blew a kiss to my reflection.
"Oh yeah I'm so hot." I whispered giggling lightly as I plugged my flat iron and started brushing through my hair.

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