Nine: Rats! Rats! Rats!

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Before we knew it the day was over and it was time for me to face the consequences of my actions.
I hugged all my friends goodbye and got ready to suffer a long hour with those two dumbasses.
I took a big breath and sat down on my usual chair.
"What do we do in detention?" I asked.
"Have you never been in detention?" Jeremy asked.
"No, I'd usually just get detention at home."

Recalling all the past times when I used to prank the teachers but they'd never find out it was me, once I reached home, though, Jaxon would snitch on me, since his class was in front of mine, and I'd get punished.
Usually by taking my mp3 player away or making me do my brother's chores.

"Well sometimes they make us clean the class or they just let us in here and... I dunno make us do homework." Michael explained.
"Right, as if you actually do that." I looked around bored.
"Not saying we do, I'm saying what we're supposed to do."
I clicked my pen constantly as a way to get some sort of entertainment.

I huffed and threw it back in my pencil bag.
"So... About the Lilith situation-"
"Jesus fucking christ, Michael I don't fucking know anything that goes in her mind, why didn't you ask her for her number instead of mine?" I snapped.
He backed up and stuttered.
"Sorry, it's not you, she gets on my nerves."

"What? Why?" He insisted.
"I don't know! Just- Jeremy talk or something so I can distract myself from this subject." I rubbed my face, frustrated.
"Sorry." Michael muttered.

"I don't know what to talk about." Jeremy was walking through the desks and passing his hands on them to check how clean they were.
"You guys are pretty boring." I admitted.
"That's because we're in school." Jeremy sat on Lena's desk.
"If a person is fun, they're fun even in school, like me!" I grinned up at the boy.
"I'm starting to regret wanting to become your friend." The blond guy pronounced those sharp words with an annoyed tone.
"Sure." I smiled and turned away.

"Sorry I yelled at you." I rubbed Michael's arm and he seemed like he was deep in his thoughts, he flinched and looked at my arm which I fastly pulled away.
"Nah it's- it's fine." He nodded.

"God this is gonna be a long hour." I groaned.
"Mh, why don't we play some games? It's not like anyone comes to check up anyways." Jeremy suggested.
"Sounds good, but what?"
"All I can really think of is truth or dare."
"Bro we're only three that's gonna get boring so soon." I complained.
"Then you come up with something, you girls are so annoying." He jumped off the desk and went around the room again.
"Date a man then." I laughed.

"I might just start dating Michael actually." He joked holding Michael's hand.
"Ew, get off me." The brunette scooted away.
"Not even your best friend wants you, damn." I grinned and Jeremy crossed his arms.

"I say we go around the school until we have to leave, maybe write around or something." I said.
The boys looked at me surprised.
"What? I thought you were fun?" I teased.
"Yeah- I mean, how can you openly say you'd vandalize the school?" Michael asked.
"Oh because you wouldn't." I rolled my eyes at him.
"No I would, just surprised you would too."
"Surprised? Dude- just get up and pack your shit we're going." I threw my notebook and closed pencil case in my backpack as I threw it on my shoulder along with my jacket.

The guys followed behind me and we stopped at the door checking to see if it was safe to go, no one was around and the silence was almost creeping us out, we went out.
"I wanna go in the chemistry lab." Jeremy said.
"Jeremy, again? We went there already, think of something else." I argued.
"Ugh, fine, the upstairs gym? No one ever goes in there and I wanna know why."
"Right, me too, let's go!" I started leading the group upstairs, still careful to any minimal sound that I could sense.

We had to go up three staircases and by the time we reached the very last floor of the building we were all out of breath and ready to collapse at any second.
The air was colder than downstairs and in that moment I was glad I actually wore my jacket before coming up.
The lights turned off just as we started walking towards the gym.
"(Y/n) this isn't a good idea, we should head back." Jeremy walked closer to me.
"Aww are you scared? We'd have to spend a boring hour in that stinky class if we went back, so, suck it up." I shoved him away.

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