Chapter 1

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Kelan's body doesn't move when my cold fingers graze his skin. The rocky glue from my old acrylics falls off, causing me to have to wipe his arm. Even so, he doesn't do anything but breathe.

"I hate seeing you like this, little brother." The machine beeps after every breath. The words of former Doctors' flows through my head, making me angry. I squeeze Kelan's hand in order to calm myself, but it doesn't work so well. "I'll kill whoever pulls the plug. I don't care if you're in there 20 years, you're all I have left. I won't give up, like grandpa did... and grandma." I sigh.

"Isn't that a story to tell? Grandparents being in foster care and helping each other through the storms, only to be able to have a daughter in the end. Then, she dies during her second baby. Our family would've been complete if she'd stayed." I try something. "I found our grandparents' biological family!" He doesn't move. It was worth a try. I giggle to myself.

I look at the tears falling from his eyes. "Good, you're still responding, your pulse is the same too. I seriously couldn't stand you going into shock again. Kelan, you really give me a run for my money sometimes." I chuckle: "not that I have that much anymore."

"Dr. Oliver?" Whom I assume Kelan's Doctor calls.

I notice him holding a Arizona can in his hand. "You giving me a drink?"

"Only after work. I actually took this from a patient, they nicked it from the cleaner Sayora." I figured that can looked familiar. We take shots on bad days. Death days, specifically. When the aura is off and a few of us haven't been home is days. Sayora, the janitor gives alcohol and hand written helpful notes to basically anyone who come in her path. She's an angel.

I nod. "Oh?" My legs move on their own, and I take the liquor from him. "I'll give it back."

"You sure?" He knows.

"Yeah, watch Kelan." When I'm out of the room, I turn the bottle up in my mouth. I hold the content in with my tongue until most of my worries for the day are gone.

Since my 15 hour shift is done, I go to my car and put everything inside. Once everything is in place, my feet hit the gas to leave, but...

"Excuse me!" My head darts to the person getting my attention. Kelan's Doctor?

I put the car in park and step out of the car with one leg. "Is my brother alright?"

"Your brother?"

"Kelan Oliver: room 305, is my brother alright?"

"The teenage boy? Oh, he's fine."

I silently Thank God. "What do you need?,"

He runs the back of his neck. "I- I kind- I want to take you out. Maybe, like- like a dinner or something? I mean, your choice tho."

I giggle. "You're a new intern, right?"

He nods. "I deliver my first kid any day now."

He isn't that far from me, I only became a a few years ago. I only became a Doctor because of the fallout.

"Nice to meet you then..." I extend my hand.

"Ryder." He shakes it.

I examine his body. He dresses comfortable, not in a white coat or those ridiculous stereotypical clothes.

"I'm Dr. Oliv- no- I'm Tallulah."

He smiles. "Cute name."


"So, about that date? You can decide the time, we're both pretty busy. Who knows if we'll see one another around the hospital?"

"Cool." I wonder if I should ask him this: "Ryder, please don't take this personal, but I have to ask you a personal question."

"Shoot, I guess. Not too much happens in my life."

"Any STD's?" I ask. I can tell it throws him off. "Don't be coy, I won't think you're disgusting, I'm a doctor after all."

"N-no! I've never even-no. I've been focused on school since I was a boy."

I hum in agreement. "You were a good boy then, Ryan."

"It's Ryder... are you ok?"

"Do you... do you have coitus on the first date?" I play with my pockets. This is embarassing, but like he said: we don't have to see one another at all around work.

"Um, coitus?" He asks. "As in-"

"Sex." I prance over to him and connect our lips. He doesn't fight me on it, and gives in.

He breaks the kiss. "Tallulah, are you ok?"

He snaps his fingers. "What?" I ask.

He stand in front of me, untouched. Yeah, that would be a stupid thing to do and I just let him today. "Yeah I'm fine!"

"Hey, I was wondering. My friends and I were planning to go out. Sorry if it's a lot, but they asked to to bring some other higher ups I know."

"And you asked me because?"

"I don't know, you just seem like you could use a drink."

I could. "Sure."

"Great! Thanks so much! Put your number in my phone and I'll tell you where to go. Don't worry, I always make sure my friends get home safe too."

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