Chapter 14

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Where's your face wrap?" I frantically look for one. We're at the fight club again, but this time I tied Kelan's eyes so if anything else slips people will know. I won't get beat up again.

"You probably tied it around your hair." He says.

I caress the thick piece of black fabric that I tied my hair up with. It's his. "Oh, right. I must just be nervous right now." I unwrap my hair and tie it around his eyes.

The green robe falls off of my shoulders, revealing my cleavage. The red silk tie wraps around my waist, which holds the material together. If it loosens at all, my black bra would be revealed along with my low waist fitted black shorts under it. Not gonna lie, I feel slutty, but good.

"Hand." He says.

I do as told, and he slowly finds them. He locks fingers with me, and holds it to his face. "Thank you, jiejie."

I pull my hand away. "Who taught you that?"

Someone comes behind me. "Excuse me, he needs to- Is he blind?" The woman asks.

"Yeah, I am." Kelan answers before I can.

"Ah, then that's a problem." She says.

He looks in her direction, then back at mine. "I can't fight?" Kelan has been begging for days to fight. He's gonna get whipped, but that's him. He's grown enough to decide alone.

The woman shakes her head, making her brown silky ponytail shake in a way that intrigues me. "No, I just have to see if June is willing to fight."

"What's taking so long?" The man with a shaved head says.

"Ah, June your fighter." She points at Kelan.

"Ah?" He looks at Kelan. "Oh."

"Are you willing to fight a blind man?"

"As long as it is fair." He reaches into her back pocket and pulls out hand wrap. "I will go without this time."

Kelan walks past me. I slowly guide him to the two. "Thank you." Kelan says.

The man laughs as the woman wraps his eyes. "We are next, put on your gloves and meet me in the ring." He says, making Kelan smile. "Meizi, lead me to the ring." He holds out his arm.

I grab Kelan's shoulder. "Post up, I gotta find a seat soon."

After taking Kelan to his spot, I take my seat next to Gui and Nia. "你好吗!"

Gui laughs. "What did you say?"

"How are you?" I question. "I am bad at greetings."

"I can tell." She says. "Hey is fine."

"Note taken." I sink into my seat, ready to watch the rest of the fight.

She irks my nerves

The woman named Meizi comes into the ring. "Ni hao! We have a special fight to see. Two blind men will fight until one winner is determined!" She goes on, telling everyone to place their bets and prepare to see the fight.

Kelan and the other guy's names are called for them to appear. Everyone places their bets and Meizi calls for the fight to begin. She says various things outside of the mic and then brings it her lips.

Everyone goes silent. "Is something wrong?" I ask.

Nia speaks. "Meizi is a strong woman. She demands silence before a fight is called. She makes them fair. For that, T-Party respects her."

Gui chimes in. "Meizi is iconic, she grew up in different countries, so everything she does is different from here. I heard she punched an Ape! The people love it! Especially me! She always leaves and doesn't come back until she hosts a fight again."

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