Chapter 13

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I hold up a trench coat. "Think I could fix him- fix it?" I correct.

"Fit it?" Nia asks.

"Yes!" I correct myself again. "Sorry. This is my first time shopping, I'm not sure if I'll have the money to afford it."

"I said I'll pay."

"I know, thanks for the IOU."

"Problem no. Your life is hard enough, and I have the money." I told Nia about my life. In return, she told hers. We really have grown closer. She has nearly a million dollars of life insurance to her name because a family member died while skydiving. On top of that, her family sued the parachute company and won a good stack. That's what brought her to the place we met.

For the past two weeks Kelan and the girls have been training him to fight. He's gotten good, but not good enough to beat anyone.

"Let go of me!" I yank away from the man that I assaulted.

"You watched me undress and grabbed me." He doesn't let go. His grip gets tighter. "To be angry, like 黑 人。"

(Hēi rén= Black person)

"Since you want to be racist, how about-" I shake my head. I can't stoop that low again.

He laughs. "You people always humor me." He pulls me closer to him so he can whisper in my ear.

I involuntarily respond. "Don't hurt-"

"I watched people like you fight over simple things. Your stupidity is what makes your enemies seem strong. All of you are weak."

My fear finally starts to show when he laughs against my ear. My body is so stiff it starts to ache."Monty, let g-" I choke. "Blood! Whatever your name is, I'm not scared!"

"But your body is tight." He shakes my wrists. "Afraid when you attacked me? Didn't you learn last time?"

I take that chance to rip away from him. He scratches my wrists in the process. "Ouch!" I quickly scan my wrists before running off.


"Tallulah?!" Nia waves her hands in the air.

"Sorry." I put the jacket back on the rack. "Doesn't look like it will fit me. It looks way too small."

"Many clothes are too small. I shop from a special store for foreigners."

"Why don't we go then?" I suggest.

"Pricey clothes; I thought it would be funny to watch you try small ones."

"Tell that to the 5'9 girl then." I pick up clothes as big as I can find. "I try these on?"

"I'll buy whatever fits."

"Shì." I say.

We run to the nearest place to change.

At the end of the spree, I end up having two things: A large hoodie with a giant RWBY rose on it, and a green chinese style robe with red writing on it. It falls off the my shoulders because I fill it out more. The silk tie barely holds, my bra and thigh show if I move too much.

"It's perfect." Nia says before I can say I hate it.

"Excuse me?"

"You have heels, yes?"

"Black." I confirm.

"Put on your heels, slip on silky black tights that make your butt looks amazing. Aaanndd." She grips my breasts from behind. "Cute sports bra?"

I start to imagine the outfit. "Lacey?"

"And firm." She confirms.

"I don't know, that seems slutty to me. Won't I stick out?"

"That's the point. You meant to stick out- be great. People have to see your power, they have to feel themselves melt at the sight of you. Your confluence has to radilate sexy."

"Confidence and Radiate, and your English is getting really good."

She nods. "Gui teaches me big English words."

She grabs my arms. "Come on."

"Ow!" I pull my arms away to check the nail shaped scabs on them. All 8 looks good, the black scab is still on.

"You good?" She asks.

"Same accident, you rubbed it again."

"Sorry." She says.

"Bù Wèntí." I reply.

(No Problem)

"How did you get those scratches anyways?" She asks. "To me, you said nothing."

"It was a... a... I can't explain it."

"Until you find a good lie?" She asks.

My body stiffens. "No!"

"Gui sneaks into teenage parties at 11, I know a lie."

"I am not Gui almost a decade ago, I'm grown."

"So tell me how you got nail marks in your hand?" She crosses her arms.

What...the F DO I SAY?!


"Sex?" She questions.

"Sex." I confirm, lying through my teeth. "I like hard manner I guess, and I asked them to grab me. I has no idea the nails went that deep." I lie like the smooth criminal I am.

Sorry Nia, but a little over a month won't make me trust you. It's too early after my court days too.

"I haven't called Ki since I got to Shanghai." I whisper.

"Hm?" She says.

"Oh, sorry. My bestfriend from the West. I was just starting to miss her."

She smiles a beautiful smile. "Let's see her on the ---------- app."

"The what?"

"You look at your phone do you?"

I shake my head. "I'm barely in my hotel room throughout the week."

"Ah, I must help with foreign problems." She looks excited. "Pay and go, good?"


"Hao!" She drags me again. I hate when she gets excited over small things, especially since she grabs attention.

After going to a number of stores, we finally find something for both of us! "Perfect outfits!" She says.

"Yes. How much do I owe you back?"

She looks at me sadly. "Make it a gift."

"Ok." I say, begining to zone again.

She nods. "Shi! We must get ready for the T-party."

"Mhm! Shower at my hotel room!" We leave.

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