Chapter 5

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The woman hands me my suitcases. I've been given my instructions. I go to Shanghai through the program, I stay in a hotel, and I get to work at a specific place as soon as possible.

But, it isn't going that way.

I look behind me to make sure they're there. Kelan waves at a woman and tells her something. She then begins walking him to the plane. As they're passing me, Kelan says: "my girlfriend? No, my sister is like 10 years older than me- Lulu, take these bags to the seat. I'll be there before you know it."

I scoff as she leaves him somewhere. "You a nigga for that." I finish getting our bags and go onto the plane. When I finally find my seat, Kelan is in it.

"Move." I say.

"Lulu?" He questions.

I poke at his head, causing him to move. "You could've just said I was in the wrong seat."

"You should've moved." I roll my eyes.

He scowls. "I can just tell you're rolling your eyes. You too old for that kiddy stuff you do."

"Just be quiet and enjoy the ride."

He taps on the window. "It's not like I can see out of the window anyways. I guess you do need the aisle, you like 9 feet." He says a joke from our childhood.

"You're just mad you're short " I laugh.

"Am I taller than you now tho?" His brown furrow at the anticipation.

"Nope, we're the same height." I lie. Kelan easily has an inch or two on me now.

I told him that I would leave for Shanghai, and I can't lie like he wasn't angry. After I told a few more people about Kelan having to be watched, Ki and Kyle came up with a solution: send Kelan to Shanghai too.

At first I didn't agree with the idea, but Kelan begged me to go. I told him a million times that he wouldn't be able to enjoy it without his sight, but he secretly wanted to stay with me. Ki pulled some money and got him a place in the same hotel as me.

"How do these papers work?" He asks, looking over his disability papers.

"You'll be in a dictatorial country for half a year, keep these with you." I fold the paper down and put in in his hand. "Remember the ridges in the folds of them, they'll tell you how many there are in all. If you don't have them all, be extra careful when going out." I put a walking stick in his hand. It's the one that folds with the small ball on it. On the stick is Kelan's name and my name. It also says: recently blind.

"What's this?"

"Walking stick for the blind. You'll want to enjoy yourself, right?"

He sighs, but smiles. "You know what, yeah. I'm going to Shanghai."

"That's the spirit. While in China, I'll give you a watch that tracks you. You get an identical one. I already programmed it to talk so you can hear it."

He laughs. "Cool."

My little brother smiling after what happened to us makes me cry on the spot. He took so much before he went out, and life hasn't gotten better. I guess in the end, he really loves the fact that he can live again after what happened.

My eyes travel to the widow that Kelan avoids. The city looks beautiful from in the sky. In other circumstances, I would smile at the sight.

But Kelan can't share it with me. He's going to live never seeing the sky from a sight like this.

I watch him lie his head on the widow in a desperate attempt to see something. He scrunches his eyes. "I heard us take off a while ago, stuffs loud." He diverts.

I lay my head on his shoulder. "The window is covered, you know that?"

The weight of his head brings me comfort. "You're the best." He sighs, catching me in my lie.

My eyes lift open, and flashing lights catch my eye. "Did we make it?" I ask myself aloud.

I shake Kelan awake. "Look, little brother."

"Huh? I can't see." He rubs his eyes. "I can't see." He says with more perplexity. "Why can't I- nevermind."

I check his eyes. "What's wrong?"

He gives a huge, sarcastic smile. "I'm blind!" He waves his hand in front of his face.

"Oh, I forgot."

"Are we in Shang-"

"Passengers, we are now landing for Shanghai, China..."

I beam. "I get to see Niagara!" My pace hastens. "Quick, get off the plane so I can introduce you to my new friend. She's great! Blue hair, brown eyes, beige skin -she's Chinese and Black- and she's awesome!" I tug at his arm.

"You sure you don't want to have an orgy with her?!" He questions.

"Nope!" I playfully answer.

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