Chapter 33

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Kelan laughs. "When you coming back?"

"My plane was delayed an extra week. I'm just out."

"Mchht! What?" He groans.

"We'll be back by August 31st, and it'll be done."

"I can't wait. School been kicking my a-- sorry, sis. But the principal was supposed to be my dawg, she nice and give me food and stuff. People been fighting everyday for 2 weeks and she been stressed, meaning everybody else been stressed, meaning I can't get no food! She was finna buy me Crab legs! Crab legs! Now she acting like I been Fighting!"

"Awe." I give a fake pout. "Poor you."

"Right! All these fights and I can't even see! I got knocked over the other day and some Cheeto-dusty- taki-eating girl was like 'mchht! You ain't see them fighting! We tried to tell yo dumb self to move!' I said: 'B---h I ain't seen a mf thing since I woke up from a coma and you know this!' I'm blind!" He waves his hand in front of his face with a smile. "She got mad and wanted to call her back to best friend like he was gon do some. This nigga- we posed to be cool, I let him swim in Kiersten pool and errthang and he wanna have a problem that day. I got sent to the office and the principal asked what was wrong, I said I didn't see nothing." He jokes.

We laugh at his joke. "I'm glad to see you getting back to normal. Maybe now you won't fight so much."

"Oh, let a nigga step up to me! He catching this Luke Cane!" He waves his arms and fist out of the camera shot. He picks up his cane and swings it as if waiting to hit someone. At the same time, Kirstein walks by.


"Ow! KELAN!!!"

Kelan's cane tapping and his heavy footsteps fill the screen. Kirstein chases after him, but he knows the place so we'll, and can react do fast, that she's having a hard time.

He eventually slips on a pillow and then he's all Ki's. "Ah! Help! Help!" Kelan yells.

Kirstein punches him in the back, making deep noises as a sound off.


"I gotta go!" I laugh and hang up. I look at the rest of the unfinished things I am supposed to pack. It's a lot: too much to fit even with the stuff Nia is getting gifted later. "Time for a new suitcase."

I put on a hoodie and step outside. My skin crawls when I think about where the girl, Aihao was crushed, and all those others sucked into a bad lawsuit. Our hotel was switched, upgraded because of the many Doctors who were set here. Our floor are stable, and it's easier to get around. I, as well as a few others were sent to a different hospital in the area. It's more rural, but people are better here. Everyone looks like models.

I fix my black hoodie and look over my shoulder as I walk: nothing. I would expect someone to stare or touch my hair just because, but everyone is leaving things be.

This...being left alone-this is normal? Things like what happened are odd? Weapons are... odd. No one is gonna jump out with a pistol here, just walk.

I fix on my hood to warm my ears. A sigh leaves my lips. "This is ok." I sigh. "This is enough, I might not need my pills."

My face changes. "Pill?"

Pill! Pill! Why does that seem important right now?


"!!! Oh my gosh!" I cover my mouth since I'm in public.

I forgot to take a birth control pill with Blood! Or was it Xin? One of them definitely didn't pull out


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