Chapter 18

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Where are my meds? They were in my pocket earlier. "Has anyone seen a pill bottle?" I ask.

"No, but Wang can check the halls for you!" Meizi says. After receiving a stare from him, she smiles. "Elder's rules."

"She can look for them herself." He grumbles and exits the room.

"Ok! Next!" Nia slaps the table. "Meizi! I've heard all the stories! Which one is real?"

"About me?" She asks.

"Whole life!"

"My family is from Wuxi, but we went to the UK when I was in secondary school. While visiting family I found the Terror Parties and made quick cash before I retired and hosted them instead."

"And why'd you quit?" Gui asks.

"I wanted a family." She smiles. "June and I tried for our first." She looks back at him.

"And June? How'd you get your name?" Gui's eyes sparkle.

"I was conceived in June, I'm a miracle baby." He groans, thinking of the whole story. "Dad is from Korea, they met, were friends, fell in love. The whole immigration fantasy." He chuckles. "Not anything different about the story."

"...Wow!" Gui whispers looking at the couple. They basically glow.

"Next question!" June says.

"Uh, I really can't stay. I have to get dìdì ready to board in the morning."

"Please!" June begs. "You're so cool."

"Wang says he found the pills." June says as he gives me my pill bottle.

I look at the bottle of pills. "Thanks, I thought I lost it." I pop one, seeing as my nerves were acting up. "Kelan, you wanna share the drink?" He take another drink without acknowledging me. "Let me have some." Snatch.

"Hey! You ain't had to take it."

"You couldn't see me coming if you wanted to." I pour my own drink.

"Should you mix that with Alcohol?" June asks.

I laugh. "I'm going to enjoy myself as best as I can." I sip again. As I'm about to refill, June takes the bottle from me. "HEY!"

"You should've let her drink it." Blood says.

He gives me something like a death stare. I'm used to it from him; we barely ever exchange words or even gestures. He learned how to avoid me while coming off as friendly. All for show, as am I.

June waterfalls slowly so he doesn't spill. He places his other hand on his chest and it slowly slides down into his pocket. Not his whole hand, but the ring and pinky finger.


"Woah!" I touch my leg.

"Are you ok?" Nia asks. She comes and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Cramp. I get them in my fingers all the time. I probably stood still for too long."

"Take a seat." Meizi says.

I shake my head. "I should really get-"


Kelan lays on the floor using his stick as a pillow. Now he's going to have to board a plane with a dent in his head.

"I hate him." I sigh.

Meizi laughs. "Can you carry him all the way home?"

"Sure, I'll manage."

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