Chapter 11

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"Woo!" I jump from the bed in a cold sweat. "Shi- fu- aah!" I hit myself in the face to calm myself down. "Cool it, Lu." I lie on the floor as close to the wall as possible."You can see everything. You can see-"

The curly haired man appears in front of me. "Unclean." He laughs.


A door creaks. "Tallulah?"


"Are you okay?"

I don't say anything. All I can do is curl up in shock. I think I'm ticking maybe? I can't think!

I hear him walk up to me and touch my thigh. "Lulu?" He carefully pushes the skin. "Are you awake?"

I slowly nod. "Flashbacks."

"Of Dad?"

"Of Uncle." I practically yell. "Sorry."

"It was expected. Didn't you say some guy tried to kill you? I'm surprised you can work here after what happened."

"It turned me cold, I barely think of them people as human."

"Forcing yourself in this situation will have you losing your mind."

"I'm fine, I just need my pills." I get up to go to the bathroom.

He stays on the floor. "I hear you shaking those bottles every night. There are 3 different sounds."

"Anti-depressants, Hydrocodone, and Excedrin." I clarify.

"Is it safe to take those while you work?"

"Most days I do paperwork or sign prescriptions. Doctors don't do much like nurses."

"Gui said that-"

"I'm barely 30 as it is, with a 16 year old disabled brother to feed along with myself. I need my pills." Might have said that wrong.

"Nigga I was tryna help."

"Sorry." I sigh. "Probably my disorder kicking in. I hate confrontation." I head to the restroom.

"You sure-"

"Ah! I also hate being snuck up on!"

"Sorry!" He says. "Pull out a extra sheet and a pillow."


"I'm sleeping with you?"

"No, I'm good by myself."

"I'll sleep in your bed if you like then." He offers.

I hate when I want to challenge him. I'll lose that fight in a heartbeat.

I roll my eyes, knowing he can't see me. "Fine."

"Cuddle with me like when I was a baby."

I stare at my sibling and jump him into a hug. We stumble, but he catches me. "Tal-"

"Wǒ ài nǐ dìdì."

"Uh... Woe I knee DD too?" He hugs me back.

"It means I love you " I chuckle. "Thank you."

He shifts to comfort. "I love you too. And I'm sorry for being mean."

"You ok."

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