Preview 11: Red Rose on the Radio

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Lucy, the cat sailor says, "I know you're upset, but I'm sure we'll find her."

"She's right. Red Rose is tough. I'm sure she's with someone who is keeping her safe," Richter the Bulldog says.

Captain Storm sighs, "I know Rose can take care of herself, but without knowing if she's okay is making me feel uneasy. I just wish there's something that will let me know where she is or how she's doing."

The first mate, Toadstool the Toad says, "You know know, a sign might come when you least suspected. Let's go check on the ship to see how construction is going."

"You're right. We still need to fish the ship so we can find my daughter, and to gather up new supplies," Captain Storm says.

The two then leave the room and go check on the ship's construction.

Lucy turns to Daisy, "Still, it wouldn't hurt to know where Red Rose is."

"Me too. I miss the little lady. She's great," Daisy says.

Then reach for the radio, "Let's listen to the radio. I heard there's a good game show on, right now."

"Sounds good to me," Richter says,

Daisy turns on the radio to hear the game show, Roll the Dice on.

King Dice says over the radio, "Since your friend has introduced himself, why not you do as well. So what's your name, little lady?"

"Red Rose," Red Rose's voice appears on the radio.

Hearing the name has the three surprised.

"That's a nice name you got, especially you have a unique rose red color hair," King Dice says on the radio."

"Um, thank you. I actually get that a lot," Red Rose's voice adds, sounding bashful.

Lucy opens the window and calls out, "Captain Storm, Toadstool, you gotta come hear this! Red Rose is on the radio!"

Hearing Lucy, Captain Storm and Toadstool are surprised and rush over.

Toadstool asks in surprise, "What's she doing on the radio?"

"I don't know, but it's cool," Lucy says, amazed.

Suddenly, Cuphead's voice appears on the radio, "Come on Rose, how about you tell them about yourself. Like how you sail over the ocean blue with your dad and his crew and have all kinds of adventures."

"But Cuphead, we're on a game show. As much as I like to share my adventures with my dad, it will be better if you take your turn on the game show, and give King Dice the microphone," Red Rose says.

Captain sighs in relief, "Thank goodness."

"At least you know she's okay. Your worries are over," Daisy says.

"Um yeah... Captain Storm says.

Then ask, "Wait, did she say King Dice..."

"Yeah. I heard about this King Dice, he's the host of the game show Roll the Dice. Heard it's a popular radio game show," Daisy says.

"I guess so," Captain Storm says, sounding a bit concern.

Toadstool says, "Still, the game show is on the Inkwell Isles, that would mean that Red Rose is over there."

"The Inkwell Isles, huh," Captain Storm says.

Captain Storm says in thought, "If she is on the Inkwell Isles. It means she's safe for the time being. I just hope nothing happens while staying there. Her being on that isle is very worrisome."

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