Preview 15: Trapped in the Underworld

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Recap on Previous event: Cuphead, Mugman, and Red Rose have found the Devil's pitchfork after he lefts it against a tree by mistake. Cuphead and Mugman have fun with it much to Red Rose's concern, and the Devil finds out after learning that they have it, and reveals that Cuphead and Red Rose no longer owe him their souls. And now because Cuphead has taken something of great value to the Devil, the Devil decides to take something of great value to him: his brother, Mugman.

And which leads to her, Cuphead and Red Rose remain in shock at what happened, especially Cuphead.

Cuphead says in a petrified tone, "Mugman," Cuphead then picks up the bike and the pitchfork, "Mugman."

Red Rose wants to say something to him, but seeing Cuphead in the state is devastating. He can understand, losing his brother must have been an utter shock to him.

Cuphead then cycles the bike back home and continues to say, "Mugman."

Soon, Cuphead and Red Rose return to the cottage.

Still, Cuphead continues to say, "Mugman."

Soon, Cuphead and Red Rose enter the house, and pass Elder Kettle who is reading the newspaper on the couch. Elder Kettle notices the depressed look on his face and he falls face first on the pillow on the couch.

Red Rose softly says in sadness, "Oh Cuphead."

Elder Kettle sits on the couch next to him and asks, "What in the world's wrong, boy? Did you lose something?"

Cuphead muffles as he nods his head against the pillow.

"What could you possibly lose to make you so upset?" Elder Kettle asks.

Cupehad turns his head and answers, "M... m..." but is too upset to say Mugman's name and instead says, "My pocket knife!"

"Aw, is that all?" Kettle questions and says, "That's easily replaceable. It's not like you lose Mugnan.

Cuphead gasps frightfully.

Red Rose flinches and says in thought, "Why did he say that?!"

And with that, Cuphead cries and runs out the door in tears.

Red Rose chases after him, "Cuphead, come back!"

Elder Kettle walks out to see the kids leaving.

He shakes his head and says, "They're so emotional at this age."

Cuphead continues to cry and sits down under the tree, hugs his knees and places his head down. Red Rose walks to Cuphead and sits next to him in sadness.

"Cuphead, are you going to be okay?" Red Rose asks.

However, Cuphead continues to muffle in tears.

"I know it's bad, like really bad," Red Rose says.

In tears, Cuphead lifts his head up and says, "Bad?! This is more than bad! I decided to mess with the Devil using his pitchfork and he took Mugman! The Devil has kidnapped my brother and it's all my fault!"

Then hugs his hees and places his head on them as he muffles, "I should have listened to you and Mugman from the start."

"Cuphead, there's no use of grieving over what's been done. It seems to me that you have two things you can do about this. #1: You can continue sitting under the tree, crying and beat yourself up over this whole mess, or #2: We find a way to get to where the Devil is at and rescue Mugman? What's it gonna be?" Red Rose says.

Cuphead lifts his head up and wipes the tears off his face.

He turns to Red Rose and says, "You're right. I... I can't cry over what has already happened." then says, "I got Mugman into his mess, and I gotta get him out of this."

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