Preview 5: Flower Picking Fiasco

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Red Rose has arrived at the clearing. To Red Rose's surprise, she can see a lot of lovely flowers.

"Wow. All these flowers are pretty, almost like they're glowing in the sunlight. I'm sure the others won't mind if I pick some flowers while I'm here," Red Rose says to herself and walks to the flower field.

She kneels down and places the basket on the ground to pick some flowers.

Suddenly, she hears someone shouting, "Yoo hoo! Red Rose!"

"Hello?" Red Rose wonders turning around.

Suddenly the Devil appears, "Surprise!"

"Oh no. Not you again," Red Rose says, a little annoyed.

Then asks, "What do you want now?"

"Oh just looking around to see all these uh, flowers," The Devil says, and holding one.

"Um okay," Red Rose says, confused.

She isn't sure if the Devil is even interested in flowers.

"Well, I'm just going to pick a few and be on my way," Red Rose says, and prepares to pick the flowers from the ground.

But the Devil asks, annoyed, "Is there something wrong with this one..."

Red Rose turns to the Devil with a confused look, making him rethink.

He smiles and says, "I mean, go right ahead."

"Okay," Red Rose replies.

With that, Red Rose kneels down and begins to pick the flowers and place them in her basket.

The Devil says in thought, "Now, if I can just get her soul before she screams..."

The Devil then slowly sneaks up to Red Rose as she picks the flowers, places them in the basket, and her back is turned. The Devil sees his chance to take Red Rose's soul. Red Rose continues to pick the flowers like she doesn't have a care, unaware that the Devil is close behind her.

"One more step," The Devil says in thought.

He then steps on a few of the flowers, and buzzing bees and bugs come flying out. The Devil looks down to see them, panics, and runs away as the bees chase him away. Red Rose turns her head to see the Devil running away.

Red Rose giggles, "I have to admit, the Devil can be a bit silly sometimes."

Then Red Rose picks a few flowers and places them in the basket.

"There. This should be enough," Red Rose says to herself.

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