Chapter 6: Burning Love

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"Wh-at...I thought." Corey stuttered.

"Corey, you know I love you. I was pushing you away because I didn't want to hurt you. But...I can't stay away from you. I want you there as my best friend and who knows maybe more. I'm scared." I said as a tear streamed down my face.

Corey pushed my hair behind my ear and kissed me. He gently caressed my face. Corey moved his body on top of mine and straddled me. He kissed me like he has been waiting for this a long time. He moves from lips to my neck and then to my stomach.

I pull his shirt over his head, revealing his toned chest and he did the same to me. My black bra was revealed. He released my breast from my bra and procceeded to kiss them savagely.

I can't believe me and Corey are doing this.

We removed our pants. His kisses ended at the rim of my underwear. Corey looked up at me.

"Are you sure?" Corey asked with passion burning in his eyes. I nodded my head in agreement.

He slipped my underwear off and Corey pulled his down too.

"Corey..." I said. Corey immediatley looked up.

"Yea?" he said confused.

"I've never really done this." I said sheepishly.

Corey smiled "That's fine. I don't mind teaching you." I relaxed and Corey wrapped my legs around his torso.

"Relax, it's gonna hurt at first."he said. I nod my head.

He eased himself in and I winced in pain. But, after a few thrust in, I started to enjoy it. Corey kisses me while thrusting in and out. I put my hands on his but and helped him thrust deeper into me.

Corey trails kisses from my neck to my mouth. I grab onto his sandy blonde hair and moan.

"Oh...Corey." I moaned.

Corey silences my moans with his mouth kisses me with burning passion.

I grabbed at the sheets as me and him both climaxed together. Corey removed himself from me and rolled over to the other side of the bed. We pulled the blankets around us and Corey embraced me. Our naked bodies touching.

Corey kissed my forehead and whispered "I love you..."

I turned my head towards him and planted a kiss on his soft lips. "I love you too." I say.

We both drifted off to sleep.

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