Chapter 21: Hold My Hand

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I wake up to the sound of Corey's alarm clock. I reach over and shut it off.

I turn around towards Corey and see him flutter his eyes open. He looks at me and smiles.

"Good morning, Gorgeous." Corey says, causing me to blush.

"Good morning." I whisper and kiss him on his cheek.

I get up and Corey pulls me back down to the bed; causing me to giggle.

"Where are you going?" Corey says playfully and kisses me.

"To the kitchen." I chuckle.

"Why?" Corey says with a pouty face.

"Because, after last night. I'm starving." I say and wink at Corey, "Plus, we have school soon." I point out.

Corey groans and says, "Yea, school...I forgot about that."

"How could you forget about school?' I giggle.

"After, last night, how could I remember anything else; when I was with you?" Corey says winking at me.

"Well, I'll be downstairs. You can come" I say and wink at him, and motion him to follow with my finger.

Corey slowly gets up from the bed and walks towards me. He bends down and gently kisses me on my neck.

I keep walking and look back and smile at him.

He wraps his arms around my waist as we enter the kitchen. I unwrap his arms and make my way to the counter. I proceed to sit on the counter; with my nightgown riding up.

Corey kneel down in between my legs, and opens my legs. He proceeds to kiss my thighs and caress them.

While he was doing that; I notice a bowl of whip cream beside me on the counter. I dip my index finger in it and put my finger in front of Corey's face. But, he doesn't notice it; because he's to busy kissing my thighs still.

I put my finger closer and he finally sucks the cream off, and he continues to kiss my thighs; making his way up further.

I lean my head against the cabinet and enjoy the sensation of his lips on my inner thigh. I run my fingers through his dirty blonde hair.

I grab his chin and engage him in a deep kiss.

"Save it for later..." I whisper in a sultry voice.

"You have no idea what you do to me." Corey whispers.

"I know what you do to me..." I drift off.

Corey leans in and sucks on my neck.

I gently push him back and chuckle, "Come on, I'm hungry. Besides we'll be late."

"I'm hungry too." Corey says.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"You." he says with a half-smile.

"Yea, I meant food. But, I guess you can have desert later." I wink.

Corey leans close to me and I can feel his breath on my face. I get butterflies immediately.

I love the way he makes me feel.

"God, I love you." Corey says.

It made my heart skip a beat and I smile at him, "I love you too." I say.

We eat breakfast and enjoy each other's presence.

I finish putting on my clothes and head outside to Corey's car. We head to the school.

The whole time I couldn't help but smile and look at Corey. Not, only is he my best friend, but, he is my boyfriend. I can't believe this.

My hair is whipping wildly in the wind as Corey drives.

"Hey, Corey?" I say.

"Yea?" Corey says looking at me really quick.

"Can you come to my house and help me get the rest of my stuff?" I ask.

"Yea, of course..." Corey says; understanding why I didn't want to go alone.

We finally arrive at the school and Corey parks the car, and we get out.

Corey grabs my hand to hold it. I smile and blush.

As we enter the school, people are staring at us, like we have two heads.

"Why, are people looking?" I whisper to Corey.

He glances at me and says, "Who wouldn't?"

I smile in return.

We arrive to first period Drama class.

Me and Corey sit in the front row together.

I see Layla and she comes towards us.

"Hey, Guys...Um, Summer can I talk to you." Layla says smiling.

I look at her and say, "Yea, sure."

We go off to the right of the stage out of ear shot.

"Oh my god! So, I'm guessing you told him." Layla said excitedly.

I smile and say, "Yea, how did you know?"

"Um, hello. Your're glowing. Plus, everyone is taking about you guys holding hands, and stuff. Awe, you guys are so cute together." Layla says happily.

"Wow, news sure travels fast, doesn't it." I say sarcastically.

"I'm happy for you." Layla says and wraps me in a hug.

"Thanks to you for encouraging me." I say while hugging her back.

"I'll talk to you later, ok?"

"Yea, sure." I say and I go back over to Corey, and sit down.

Corey turn to me and says, "What was that about?"

"Nothing. Just talking about stuff." I say.

Corey smiles and pecks me on the lips.

We get summoned onto the stage to go over lines. We recite the scenes Mrs. Ash requested from us.

"Marvelous, This is a big turn around. I really felt the emotion!" Mrs. Ash exclaimed.

I peek over at Corey standing next to me and blush.

"Well, I'd like think I helped with that." Corey says and winks at me subtly.

"You guys must be having really good practice sessions then." Mrs. Ash says.

"Yea, there so good, that Summer practically screamed in joy." Corey says playfully.

My eyes widen and my cheeks turn red.

"Wow, Summer you sound very enthusiastic." Mrs. Ash said happily.

Geez. Mrs. Ash was oblivious to the sexual innuendos Corey was putting out.

"Yes, she received immense pleasure." Corey says; enjoying himself way too much.

I elbow him in the ribs and he winks at me.

"That's just great! Okay, now I want Sandra Wheelock up on stage, front and center." Mrs. Ash states.

Me and Corey exit the stage, and go back to our seats.

"Jesus, Corey. I can't believe you did that." I say in shock.

Corey chuckles and says, "Well, did I lie?"

I shake my head and smile.

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