Chapter 30: These Arms Of Mine

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4 1/2 months later in Los Angeles.

Corey's P.O.V.

As I'm in my dorm room, writing my biology paper, my phones rings. I pick it up and answer it.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey, Corey! It's Jason." Jason says happily.

"Hey, man. What's up?" I reply.

I stop working on my bio paper.

"Nothing, much. But, I just wanted to say congrats!" he exclaims.

"Thanks, Man." I say.

"Yea, I can't believe you're going to be a father, man. That's crazy!" he exclaims.

Father? I thought.

"Man, what're you talking about?" I ask confused.

"Man, wait what did you think I was talking about?" he asks.

"I thought you talking about me getting into UCLA?" I say.

I get up from my desk confused as to what the fuck he is talking about.

"Shit, you really don't know?" he says.

I go and sit on my bed.

"What do you mean? I don't know what?" I ask desperately trying to get to the bottom of this.

"Man, shit. I've said too much." he says apologetically.

What the fuck are you talking about." I say growing impatient.

Jason is silent for a second and quietly says, "Summer is pregnant."

My heart drops and I feel like I've been hit by a car.

"Corey, man are you there?" Jason asks worried.

"Yea, I'm here. Who told you?" I ask curiously.

"Layla told me by accident one day, and told me not to tell you. But, I thought she was kidding about you not knowing. I mean how can Summer not tell you?" Jason explains.

I swallow a lump in my throat and my mouth goes dry.

"Did Layla tell you why Summer didn't tell me?" I ask.

"She said some thing about, Summer not wanting you to put you life on hold for her, and that Summer just wanted you not feel like you were tied down." Jason explains.

I slam my fist down on my beside table.

"Damn it, she should've told me!" I shout.

I take a deep breath and try to calm down. Then it sinks in I'm going to have a baby.

"Corey, hello?" Jason says.

"Man, I got to go." I say.

"But-" I hang up the phone, and grab a bag, and stuff some clothes in it.

My door opens and my roommate Matt comes in.

"Hey, where are you going?" Matt asks.

I get my bag together and say, "Home."

"What are you going to do?" he asks.

"I'll find out when I get there." I state, "Don't touch my mini fridge." I shout as I leave.

I get to the airport and purchase a ticket for Santa Carla. I purchase one for earliest time possible.

3 1/2 hours later.

Summer's P.O.V.

I'm sitting in my grandma's back yard; lounging in a chair. My stomach has gotten much bigger; I'm 5 1/2 months pregnant now. I rub my stomach and think of Corey.

"Thinking of Corey again?" Layla asks.

I look at her and say, "Yea." I reply.

"What're you going to do when the baby is due three and half months?" Layla asks concerned.

I sit up more on the lounge chair and say, "I don't know..."

"You should've told Corey." Layla says shaking her head.

"I almost did at the airport, but, I didn't want to stop him from his dreams." I state, "I love Corey. I would never mean to hurt him." I add.

"If it wa-" Layla stops and stares at something past me.

I wave my hand in front of her and say, "Hello, Layla..."

She points her finger to something behind me, and I turn around, to see Corey standing there; looking like he hasn't slept.

My eyes grow wide and I slowly get up, and stand in front of him.

His eyes immediately go to my growing bump. He walks towards me and kneels in front of me. He gently lays his head on my swollen stomach, and brings his hands up to caress my stomach.

A tear falls from my eyes and I gently run my fingers through his hair. Corey slowly gets up and faces me.

I see him tearing up a bit, and pain coming through his eyes.

"Why?" he says gently.

"I didn't want to hold you back. I didn't plan on this and I panicked." I say welling up with tears.

"You know you don't need to protect me all the time. I'm the one who is suppose to protect you..." Corey states, "You should've told me." Corey adds.

I look down and tears start falling.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"I'm here and I'll be here for" he says gently, "God, I'm going to be a father?" he asks not totally realizing it.

I shake my head and say, "Yea."

Corey bends down and kisses my stomach.

He stands back up and kisses me deeply. I kiss him back with the same passion.

I've missed his kisses. I thought.

"I'm going to be a father..." Corey smiles and spins me around, "I told you we always find our back to each other." he adds.

"Yea, we always do..." I whisper, "Kiss me; I've missed your lips." I say gently, and we get lost in each other's lips.


Dear Readers,

We've reached the end of "See You Again." But, don't worry I still need to post the prologue; so watch out for that. Thank you, to the readers who have read this story, commented on this story and have voted on this story. Thank you so much for the support! :)

P.S. Make sure let others know about this story, and let them enjoy it as much as you guys have! Follow me @thejokerbegins on Instagram!

Sincerely, Ana

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