Chapter 16: Miracles Happen

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The first thing I see in the morning is Corey and I smile to myself. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps.

I look around and I see the fort has held up pretty good. What can I say? Were expert fort builders.

Corey's eyes flutter open and he smiles at me. I return the smile.

"Good morning, sunshine." I say with a big smile.

Corey laughs and something in his expression changes.

"That's something I haven't seen in a long time." Corey says with a half-smile.

I furrow my brow and curiously ask, "What?"

"You smiling." Corey says simply.

I smile widely and say, "Yea, it feels good."

Corey props himself up on his elbows and says, "Hey, it's a beautiful Saturday morning, right?"

I nod in agreement and respond. "Yea, I guess so. Why?"

"We shouldn't waste it right?" he asks smiling.

"No, that'd be a waste." I say playfully.

"What about the carnival?" he asks.

I love the carnivals they have here in Santa Carla. But, the last time I went to one was a couple of years ago with my mother.

"Why not?" I say.

Corey smiles and we both crawl out of the fort. He helps me off the floor and we take down the fort, and put everything back.

"Well, I'll go get ready." I say.

"Oh, yea. A couple of friends will be meeting up with us. That's fine with you. Right?" Corey asks.

I haven't really talked to other kids my age much. Because I find it hard to trust others with things. The only person I told things to was Corey. But, I need to break away from what once was. There going to be a new Summer Leaf and that starts now.

I smile and simply say, "Of course."

I dress in my old Santa Carla carnival t-shirt (that Corey got for me one year), shorts and some black converse.

I go downstairs and Corey smiles when he sees the shirt.

"Ready?" he asks.

I nod my head and we hop in the car.

We get to the carnival entrance and purchase our wristbands.

I squint my eyes because the sun is shining bright today. I pull out my dark shades and put them on.

We enter the carnival and immediately make our way to the merry-go-round.

I hop on a white and gold horse. Corey hops on the one next to me.

The merry-go-round starts up and I let go of all my inhibitions. I close my eyes and enjoy my hair blowing in the wind. I felt so alive.

I open my eyes and see Corey looking at me.

"What?" I ask with a smile plastered on my face.

"I like seeing you like this." Corey states.

"This is what I've been wanting for a long time." I say softly and lean against the pole

"What? A merry-go-round?" Corey laughs.

I lightly slap his arm and say, "No, peace..."

"I know." Corey says.

"Thanks to you." I says with a half-smile.

Corey look down and says, "What're friends for?"

I felt Corey has always been more than a friend. But, sometimes your too late to take it further. Like, me. I screwed up what could've been a great thing. Because now he's with Layla.

The merry-go-round stops and we get off. When we get off a couple of people walk towards us. One of the two being Layla and the other I identify as Jason Holloway.

My heart breaks a little when I see Layla. Even though I know I encouraged him to see other people.

Corey greets both of them with a hug.

"Hey, guys. Guys this is Summer, and Summer this is Jason, and I think you know Layla from drama class." Corey says with a smile.

"Hi. Nice to meet you." I say cheerily to bother of them.

"Hey." They both say with big smiles.

"Hey, I was going to get some cotton candy. Do you want to come with me Summer." Layla says with a smile.

I look at Corey and back to Layla, "Sure." I say.

"It'll be fun." Layla said.

We walk to the cotton candy stand and order.

"Can I have a cherry cotton candy." Layla requests.

"I'll have two blue raspberry cotton candies." I order.

Layla arches on eyebrow at me and asks. "Your going to eat two?"

"No, one is for Corey. I know he likes blue raspberry." I chuckle.

"Oh, I was about to say. I can't even finish one. It's too much sugar." she says chuckling.

Layla is not half bad and she's pretty nice. Corey made a good choice.

I look down feeling heart broken.

We get our cotton candy and pay for it. We start making our way back to the guys. But Layla stops me and say. "I'm sorry, Summer."

I look at her confused and say, "For what?"

"I'm not trying to take Corey away from you." Layla said with apologetic eyes.

"Corey and I our just good friends." I say.

"Oh, please. You guys should see the way you look at each other." she states.

"No, Corey doesn't" I say not believing her, "Besides you guys are going out." I added.

She puts her hand on her hip and says, "Yea, once. But, he wasn't really in to it as I was. I wish he looked at me the way he looks at you."

"What happened." I ask curiously.

"We decided to just be friends. Plus, on our date he seemed really down. He told me about what happened between you guys." Layla says.

"Jesus, you must think I'm a bitch." I say.

"Not, at all. I kind of understand. I wish I have what you guys have." Layla smiles.

"There's nothing to have." I say looking down.

"Summer, don't be blind to what you have in front of you. This kind of love doesn't happen often." she states.

I look at her and say, "Yea, but I think I screwed up. I really hurt him."

"Yea, but so what? Everyone screws up. I see the love he has for you, and it looks likes he'll do whatever to make you happy." she says with wisdom.

"I guess your right. Huh?" I say with a smile.

I look over at where Corey and Jason are sitting. My eyes immediately catch Corey's gaze and he quickly looks away.

"What did I tell you." Layla say snapping me out of it, "Just do me a favor and tell him how you feel. Or you'll never know what you guys could've had." she adds.

"Yea..." I mumble.

Layla puts one arm around me and says, "I can tell we'll be good friends."

"Hey, why the hell not?" I respond shrugging my shoulders, and we walk back to the guys.

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