Chapter 15: Bring Me To Life

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Next Day: The funeral.

I sit on the edge of my bed dressed in black pants, white blouse and a black blazer. I stare at the floor. The silence is interrupted by the opening of my bedroom door.

Corey walks in and closes the door behind him.

I look up at him with sorrow oozing through me. He comes over and sits down next to me; he wraps one arm around me and pulls me closer.

I lay my head on his shoulders and sigh.

"Thank you, for agreeing to come" I thanked him.

"No, problem. I'll always be there for you." Corey says gently.

I look up at him and appreciate everything about him. Corey turns his face away from me and says, "We should go." he whispers.

The funeral seemed to go by so slow and there was a ringing in my ears. During the lowering of the casket, Corey held my hand the whole time and I think that kept me sane for the most part.

We arrive back at the house. When we enter the house I immediately go to my room; leaving Corey downstairs.

I sit on my bed and take a deep breath.

Corey comes in my room and he comes to me, pulls me up, and wraps me in a hug.

"You, did good. You did real good." Corey says gently.

I look up at him and give him a half-smile.

"I tried. But, it was you just being there; that kept me sane." I say softly.

Corey breaks the hug and looks at me.

"Hey, why don't we make a fort?" he says with a smile.

I look at him weird and say, "Aren't we a little old for that?"

"Nah, come on. We use to do it all the time when we were little!" Corey exclaimed.

I smile at him.

"Sure, why not?" I say.

"But, first. We get into our pajamas." Corey states.

"Of, course. It's tradition." I say seriously and smile at him.

We both change and get to work building the fort with his blanket, and moving around his furniture to give the fort a foundation. When we were done we take a step back to admire our work.

I look at Corey and smile, and he smiled back widely at me.

"Go!" we both shouted and raced to the fort.

We dive into the fort and Corey yells, "I won!"

"No, you didn't!" I argue and punch him on his arm.

"Ow!' he exclaims and smiles deviously at me.

I knew I was in trouble when he gives me that smile. Me and him start to play fight with each other. We roll around trying to push the other one on the ground.

Me and him are laughing uncontrollably.

Until, Corey ends up on top of me. The laughter starts to die out and we just look at each other.

I want so badly to kiss him right now and tell him I feel differently. But, we just started to talk and have fun again. I don't want to ruin that.

Corey looks at me and gets off of me hesitantly.

Corey sits down cross-legged and I prop my self up on one arm.

"You, know what we need?" Corey says playfully.

"What?" I ask.

"Ice cream." Corey looks at me with playfulness in full bloom.

"Uh, yea. Of, course we do." I reply with a smile.

We go downstairs and grab a carton of chocolate ice cream. We grabbed two spoons and head back upstairs to the fort.

We immediately start digging into the ice cream.

God I miss this. I haven't felt this happy since last time we did this.

Me and Corey battle with our spoons for the last of the ice cream.

"Hey, come on." I laughed.

"Fine, fine, here." Corey says.

He scoops the ice cream in his spoon and feeds it to me.

"Mmmm, that was good." I say with a sense of fulfillment.

"Hey, Summer." Corey says.

I turn to him and he says, "How about a movie?"

"Sure, what movie?" I ask.

Corey crawls out of the fort and comes back with the movie 'Scarface'

My eyes light up and say, "Yea, put it on."

Since the fort is facing his T.V. we lay in the fort and watch the movie.

Corey hands me a pillow and covers us with a blanket.

The last thing I remember before I drift off to sleep; is Corey gently caressing my face and whispering, "Sleep."

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