Chapter 28: Nothin' But A Good Time

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I throw my cap up in the air; as everyone cheers.

I graduated class of 1989. Finally!

I search the crowd for Corey. So, I could congratulate him.

My stomach has grown little by little these past weeks. But, thank god this gown hides it well. I also told my grandmother the news, and made her promise me she wouldn't tell Corey.

I finally make eye contact with Corey and wave at him. He smiles at me and makes his way over to me. He finally reaches me and wraps me in a hug.

"Can you believe it. We graduated class of '89" Corey says and kisses me.

"No, I can't." I say with a wide smile.

"You look good." Corey says. I blush and look down, "You have a glow about yourself. I can't put my finger on it, but, there is definitely a glow." Corey adds.

"Well, your looking good to. Are you ready for UCLA." I ask.

Corey's smile falters a little and says, "As ready as I'll ever be."

"When are you leaving?" I ask.

"In a couple of weeks." Corey says, "I'm going out there early; to get use to things." he adds.

"Well, I'll be there." I say with a smile.

"Hey, why don't we go and celebrate?" Corey asks.

"Sure, where?" I ask.

"Well, Jason and Layla said that if we want; we could join them at the Mary's diner." Corey says.

"Yea, lets go." I say with a smile.

 At Mary's Diner.

We were all laughing at something funny Jason said.

"Oh my god, guys! I'm going to miss this." Layla says while taking a sip from her Pepsi.

"Yea..." we all said in unison.

The waiter comes over with our food and sets our plates down in front of us.

I start to dig in to my big plate of raviolis. I look up and find everyone staring at me. I smile at them.

"Hey, come here." Corey says, and I lean over to him and he wipes some sauce of my face, "You sure are hungry."

I freeze a little, "Yea, I just didn't eat anything at all today; I was to excited to eat this morning." I lie.

Layla gives me a look of knowing.

Corey laughs and says, "Well, let's dig in."

After leaving Mary's Diner, Layla and Jason leave and Corey drives me to my grandmother's.

Before I get out,  Corey gives me a kiss and says, "I'll see you at the airport in a couple of weeks."

"Yea." I replied and got out of the car.

I wave him good-bye and watch his car drive down the road.

Dear Readers,

 Sorry, it was such a short chapter. There are going to be a couple of more chapters after this and that'll be it. Plus, there is a prologue. I have the ending in mind already. So, I hope you guys stay tuned. :)

Thank You, Ana


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