Chapter 9: Broken

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I go directly back to the house. When I get there Judy is in the kitchen on the telephone. I walk up the stairs quietly not wanting to alert her to my presence. I don't feel like socializing with anyone.

3 hours pass.

I must've fell asleep, because when I wake up I hear knocking on my bedroom door. I look at the clock it's only 4 o'clock. I open the door to find Corey standing there.

"Yes?" I say confused.

"Practice. Remember?" Corey says with no feeling.

"Oh, yea. Come in." I say bewildered.

I cross the room to my bed and sit cross-legged. Corey sits down too.

"Which scene do you think we should do first?" Corey asks.

I flip through the script; searching for a scene that needs work. I stop on the balcony scene.

"How, about the balcony scene?" I suggest.

"Sure." Corey agrees.

Corey starts "But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?" Corey recites.

I start to giggle because of the odd and unusual dialect. Corey stops reciting and looks at me confused.

"What?" Corey says with annoyance arousing from his voice.

"I'm sorry. It is just the dialogue that's all." I say sheepishly.

"I think we should take this a bit more serious. Do you think you can at least take this seriously?" Corey said annoyed.

I freeze from his harsh words.

"I'm trying Corey. I'm just trying to have fun with you again. We don't ever talk..." I say with a touch of harshness.

"You want to know why!?" Corey yelled.

"As a matter of fact, yes. Yes, I would like to know. Because I have no FUCKING idea." I retorted.

"Because I can't stand to be near you, let alone talk to you. Because you won't let me in. You rejected me and the love I gave you." Corey spat back.

"I was trying to protect you!" I yelled.

Corey gets up from the bed and turns back towards me with confusion and anger.

"From what, Summer!?" he yelled.

"From me, Corey. Me." I yelled back with tears almost falling.

"Summer, please don't play this 'protecting me' bullshit. I'm a big boy." Corey hissed.

"This is exactly what I didn't want to happen to us, Corey. " I stated.

"Summer, you did this not me. I was there for you everyday through all your pain. If I could handle that. I can damn sure handle loving you! It's you who can't handle love because your not use to it!" Corey said with anger exploding.

All of a sudden there was a knock on the door. Corey goes and opens it. Judy is standing there with worry written across her face.

"Are you guys, okay?" Judy asked worried.

"Were, fine Mom. Just rehearsing for the play." Corey lied.

"Well, there is someone here for you, Corey." Judy said.

"Who?" Corey asked.

"She said her name is Layla. She's here for a date?" Judy said in confusion.

I looked at Corey with expressionless eyes. He looked back at me and then turned back to his mother.

"Yea." Corey simply said.

"Well, she's waiting downstairs for you." Judy said and left.

I get up and shove my script at Corey's chest. He looked at me confused.

"Let, her be your Juliet." I said with tears welling in my eyes.

"I told you I can't wait forever for you." Corey said with pain.

Corey leaves slamming the door. Sadly, everything he said was true... I wasn't use to love.

Author's Note: Stay Tuned! It's going to get pretty exciting. Let me know if your liking this story. So, I can continue :)

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