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4 1/2 months later at the hospital.

I scream in pain as I feel the baby come out. Corey stands beside me and holds my hand.

"Come on, Summer. You can do it." Corey encourages me.

I continue to push through the pain, and then I hear the sweetest sound, the sound of a crying baby; my crying baby.

"Looks like it's a... boy!" the doctor announces.

I lay my head back on the pillow and breathe a sigh of relief; that the worst is over now and I can breathe again.

I look as they take my baby and clean him off.

Corey leans over and kisses my forehead.

"You did it baby." he says with a smile, "Do you know what you want to name him?"

"I'm not sure..." I say while thinking about it.

They finish cleaning him up and hand the baby to Corey. Corey gently swaddles him and places a kiss on the baby's cheek.

"Hey, baby. I'm your new daddy." Corey says.

I smile at the sight of Corey and him holding the baby. I lay my head back and admire their bonding.

Corey continues to coo at the baby.

Corey points at me and says, "And you see that pretty lady over there; she's your mommy. Me and her made you."

I stick out my arms and say, "Let me see him."

Corey gently hands him over and sits beside me.

"Hey, baby. Hi..." I gently say; while caressing his face with my index finger.

I turn my head towards Corey to find him looking at me.

"What?" I ask with a smile.

"Nothing, you holding our son... is the most beautiful thing." he replies.

I look up at him and say, "I know what I want to name him."

"What is that?" Corey smiles.

"River." I say while admiring my new baby boy, "Because I want his life to be as gentle as a river, and Leaf for his middle name; because I want to turn over a new leaf, and it starts with him." I add.

Corey smiles and says, "River Leaf Haim it is."

Corey leans over and kisses both me, and River.

Five years later in Los Angeles.

I lay on the beach watching Corey and River playing near the water. Corey picks up River and heads back over to me. Corey puts River down, and Corey lays next to me.

"Mommy, Mommy. Look what I found." River says excitedly holding a seashell.

I take the seashell and admire it, "That's so cool!" I exclaim, "Your my little explorer aren't you." I say while tickling River.

River giggles and says, "Stop it Mommy!"

I stop tickling him, and admire how much he has grown these past years. River looks so much like Corey with his dirty blonde hair, bright blue eyes and the same smile as Corey.
I ended up moving to L.A. with Corey; so he could finish school here, and be close to us. We also ended up getting married a year after River was born; we had a small ceremony in a local garden.

"Mommy?" River says breaking me out of my trance.

"Yea, baby." I reply.

"Can I go and find more seashells?" he asks.

"Okay, but, stay where I can see you." I state.

"I will!" River exclaims.

Corey and me giggle at River's excitement.

River runs off towards the water.

I look out towards the ocean; enjoying the sea breeze whip against my face.

I sigh and look at Corey, "Can you believe it?" I ask.

He look back at me and says, "What?"

"How far we've come?" I say.

Corey looks down and sifts sand through his fingers, "I hoped I'd be with you somehow; talking about this..." Corey half-smiles, "I knew that any road I took; it would always lead me home." he adds.

"Home?" I say confused.

"Home is where the heart is. My heart was always with you..." Corey says while pulling me closer.

I smile and gently caress his face, "My heart was always with you too." I whisper.

"Mommy, Daddy look I found more!" River says; while running over and jumping on us; causing me and Corey to laugh.

This is what family is suppose to be, this is where I was always suppose to end up; here with Corey.


Dear Reader,

This is the final part to "See you Again" I hoped you enjoyed it, as much as I enjoyed writing it. Tell me what you guys thought about the story, and the ending. Thanks for reading!

P.S. You can follow me @thejokerbegins on Instagram! Plus, I can take story requests, ideas and suggestions!

Sincerely, Ana :)

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