Chapter 14: Heavy Rain

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I trudge through the rest of the day. I found myself thinking about my Mother's funeral. It would be held in three days. I try to push it out of my mind, because it brought me deeper in to depression.

Instead of going home in Corey's car, I walk to the nearest liquor store; to drown my sorrows. The liquor store guy doesn't think to ask for an ID. He probably took one look at my appearance and thought I needed it.

I pick up a bottle of vodka and drink some on the way back. The alcohol burns my throat. I cough. I've never drank before. But, continue drinking anyways.

I stop and sit on the sidewalk and finish up the rest of the bottle. If this doesn't help; nothing will. My head starts spinning and I don't want to get up.

I sit there for a while...thinking. Just then a heavy rain starts to pour. I start sobbing and my tears mix with the rain; washing them away and new tears replace them.

I look up at the sky and scream, "Why!? Can't I just be normal." , "Please?" I cry out.

I lay my head on my knees. The rain continues to pound on my aching body.

I hear a car pull up and hear Corey screams, "Summer! What are you doing!?"

I try to stop my head from spinning when I look at him. He picks me up and carries me to the car, and sits me in the passenger seat. My hair is soaking wet and I'm dizzy. I rest my head on the back of the seat.

Corey sits in the car and closes the door. He hits the steering wheel in anger and yells, "Damn, it Summer. What were you thinking drinking vodka."

Corey held up the bottle throws it on the ground. I flinched at the sound of the shattering glass.

"I th-ought it would make me feel better." I mumble.

"Yea, because alcohol did so good for you father." Corey says angrily.

"I just wanted to escape from rea-...reality." I say incoherently, "I'm sorry."

I started crying again. I always fuck up. Don't I?

Corey breathes deeply and starts the car.

We get to the house and Corey carries me to his room. He takes me to his bathroom. I sit on the toilet lid hunched over covering my face with my hands.

Corey fills the bath with warm water. He helps me up and undresses me. He lifts my shirt and tosses it on the floor.

I look at Corey with pain filled eyes and whisper, "I screwed up...I'm sorry."

Corey look back at me with torment in his eyes, "Just don't scare me like that again." he says gently.

He helps me take the rest of my clothes off. I step into the bath and sit down. I bring my knees up to my chest.

Corey sit on the floor and rests his arm and chin the edge of the tub.

"Corey?" I say.

Corey looks at me, "Yea?"

"Thank You." I say quietly.

Corey nods his head and says, "I'll let you wash up... I'll be in my room. There's a change of clothes in my room. Just come out when your done, and I'll help you dress."

I nodded my head in agreement.

I washed up and drained the bath water. I stepped out of the tub and grabbed the towel Corey left. I gently dried my self off; so I wouldn't hurt my aching body.

I wrap the towel around me and exit the bathroom into Corey's room.

Corey looks at me and I walk to him.

I drop my towel and he helps me to put on my underwear first.

I stop Corey and look at him, and say, "I can do it myself if you want."

"I know your hurting. Let me help." Corey says gently.

"You've done enough." I stated softly.

"Summer, stop protesting." Corey asserted.

Corey helped put on the rest of my clothes.

I couldn't control myself any longer and I started kissing Corey. Corey hesitantly kissed back.

Corey broke off the kiss and whispers, "Stop. Just get some sleep." he looked at me his eyes filled with pain.

I looked at him hurt and I knew how he felt. Hurt and rejected.

"Sorry..." I say quietly and crawl into his bed.

Corey follows and wraps his arms around me and kisses my head.

I lay there listening to the rain trickle and eventually drift of to sleep.

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