Chapter 17: The Ferris Wheel

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Me and Layla arrive back to the boys. I sat down next to Corey and Layla plops down next to Jason.

I hand Corey his cotton candy.

"Yes, blue raspberry. My favorite." Corey says with a smile.

"I know. That's why I got it."

"Your the best!' Corey says.

I looked at Layla and Layla gave me a subtle smile.

"Let's put these rides to use." Jason says.

We all get up and enjoy the rides.

4 hours later.

"Hey, we'll see you guys later. Me and Jason are going to back to my house; to work on a project." Layla says.

Before they leave, Layla pulls me in for a hug, and whispers, "Remember what I told you."

She pulls away and I give her a smile.

Once they leave Corey and I go to a bench and sit.

"It's starting to get dark. Should we head back?" I ask.

"How, about one more ride." Corey says.

"Which one?" I ask.

"How about the Ferris Wheel?" he asks.

"Sure." I agree.

We head to the Ferris wheel and get strapped into the seats. Then, the Ferris wheels starts moving.

I close my eyes and enjoy the cool breeze on my face.

"I could stay on here forever." I state.

I open my eyes and Corey looks at me, and half-smiles.

I love that smile so much.

Just then the Ferris wheel stop.

"What happened?" I ask curiously.

Corey looks down and says, "I think they're having technical difficulties."

I sigh.

"Well, it looks like your getting your wish." Corey smiles.

I lightly slap him on his arm and Corey chuckles.

I look at Corey for a couple of seconds, and contemplate whether or not, I should tell him how I feel.

"Corey..." I start.

"Yea?" Corey says and looks at me.

"I uh..." I stumble to look for the words, and just then the Ferris wheel starts again.

"What is it." Corey asks curiously.

"Um, uh. I was going to say, that we should start practicing...for the play again." I lie.

"Yea, sure...When do you want to start?" Corey says a little confused.

"How about tomorrow." I ask.

"Sounds good." Corey agrees.

Jesus Christ. I'm an idiot.

I should have told him, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

We get off the ride and leave the carnival.

We arrive back at the house and go upstairs.

We stop at his bedroom door.

"Thanks for today. I needed it." I say with a smile.

"No, problem." he responds.

"Thanks for winning me a stuffed Chewbacca." I chuckle.

"Well, you know. I am the expert at ring toss." Corey says, while playfully puffing out his chest.

"Yea, ok." I giggle.

We stand there in silence.

I look up at him and quickly kiss his cheek, and Corey looks away and touches his cheek.

"You should get sleep." Corey says.

"Yea..."I agree.

I turn and go to my room.

Corey was still hurting so much, and it made my heart ache.

I need to tell him how I feel soon. Or, I won't be able to live with myself.

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