Chapter 26: Payback

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I woke up and sat up on my bed. I put my hand on my stomach, and couldn't believe that there was something growing inside of me.

I got up and went to the bathroom.

I look in the mirror and pulled up my shirt to observe my stomach. I take one hand and caress my stomach. I turn to the side, and see a very slight bump forming. I pull my shirt back down and splash my face with water. I take a towel and dry my face.

I get dressed and brush my teeth.

I go downstairs to the kitchen and see Judy sitting there. I make my way over to the fridge and pull out milk, and grab the cereal from the counter.

My stomach is growling more than ever.

I grab a big bowl and fill it to the top with Count Chocula cereal. I grab a spoon and sit at the table.

I put a big spoonful in my mouth, and enjoy the taste of it. All of the smell of eggs hit me, and I get nauseous.

I look over and see Judy cooking eggs.

I quickly go to the trash can and puke.

Judy rushes over to me and says, "Summer, are you ok?'

I finish puking and run to the sink to rinse my mouth. I take deep breaths.

"Your pregnant aren't you?" Judy says plainly.

I look up at her from the sink and say, "What?"

"Your pregnant." she repeats.

I go to the bathroom near the kitchen to brush my teeth again. Judy follows behind, and stands in the doorway.

I finish brushing and say, "What makes you think that?"

Judy shift her weight to her left foot and says, "Well, I've never seen you eat that much and I remember when I was pregnant with Corey; I hated the smell of eggs."

I look at her in silence.

"I'm a month a long." I say quietly looking away.

"Does Corey know?" she asks gently.

"No, and I don't want him to know." I state.

I make my way back towards the kitchen, and continue eating my cereal.

"Why not, he's the father; he needs to know." she says.

I look up at her from my cereal and respond, "Because I don't want him to put his life on hold for me. Judy, please promise me you won't tell him."

She looks away and back to me, and says, "Well, I hope you know what your doing, sweetheart. I promise I won't, however, he needs to know at least before the baby is born."

"When the time is right. I just want him to go forward with his plans." I say quietly.

"I'm going to be a grandmother." Judy says happily while covering her mouth.

"Yea." I say.

She bends down and hug me.

"Congrats, Summer." she says.

"Thank you." I say.

Corey eventually comes down, and we both head to school in his car.

"I can't believe this is our last day together." Corey says.

I look over at him and say, "Yea, I know."

I lean over and kiss his cheek.

We make it to school and head to Drama class. We do a whole run through of the play, but, the whole time I felt a little nauseous and light headed. I stuck it out though. I didn't want to alarm anyone.

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