Chapter 25: Whisper

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1 month later.

He was convicted of first degree murder, and got life. I could finally breathe knowing that he couldn't hurt me anymore.

I can't believe that the day after tomorrow was the last day of school, and the play.

I lay awake at eight o'clock at night in my bed, and couldn't sleep. I felt nauseous. But, it was probably just nerves, and the fact that I'm leaving for my grandmother's soon.

All of sudden the feeling of nausea took over. I ran to the bathroom, and bent over the toilet to throw up.

Jesus, what the hell? It must've been something I ate.

I sit next to the toilet and breathe deeply. Then it hits me. I put two and two together. My period has been a couple weeks late. My eyes grow wide.

I hit the toilet seat. Damn it! We should have more careful. I can't tell Corey, or else he's going to want to put his plans on hold; for me and I guess...the baby.

I need to find our for sure, and make an appointment.

I run into my room, and call Layla.

"Hello?" I hear Layla answer.

"Layla?" I say.

"Yea, hey Summer. What's up?" she says.

"Can you go to the hospital with me?" I ask while getting changed.

"What's wrong?" Layla asks.

"I tell you on the way there. Can you pick me up?" I say.

"Yea, sure. You're scaring me; I hope your ok." she says.

"Yea... Well, call me when your here." I say, and we both hang up.

20 minutes later.

I'm in Layla's car on the way to the hospital.

"So, are you going to tell me or what?" Layla says while driving.

I look away out into the night, and say, "I think I'm pregnant..."

"What!?" Layla exclaims and almost swerves. But, gets back in line with the road.

"Jesus Christ! I would like to live along enough to find out." I exclaim.

"Sorry." she says apologetically.

"It's fine." I say reassuring her.

"How?" she says.

I look at her and say, "Do I need explain. I mean we just never used protection."

Layla looks over at me and raises her eyebrow, and says, "Not once?"

"It never crossed our minds. We should've have been more careful," I say while looking down.

"What're you guys going to do?" she asks with concern rising in her voice.

"I want to find out for sure first." I say while looking at her.

We eventually get to the hospital's emergency room, and make our way to the front desk.

"Why are you here today?" the nurse asks.

"I think I might be pregnant." I quickly say.

"Ok, you'll just have to wait a couple of seconds." she says.

I go over and sit next to Layla.

"It'll be ok." Layla says.

As I was talking to Layla for a couple of minutes, I get called and head through the door with the nurse.

I sit down and on the hospital bed.

"Here, I need you to go to the bathroom, and take a urine sample." the nurse says, "When you're done, just give it to me and the doctor will be in with your results." she adds.

I take the cup and head to the bathroom to pee in it. When I finish in the bathroom, I head back to the room and hand the sample to the nurse.

"Thank you, the doctor should be in here; as soon as he get the results." she says with a smile.

I hope to god it's not positive.

10 minutes pass.

The doctor walks and he gives me a smile, "Hello, Summer. I'm doctor Briggs, and we received the your result of your urine sample." he says.

"Yea..." I say with my heart beating.

"Well, the results of your test conclude that you are not pregnant." he says.

The weight on my shoulders are lifted. I mean I feel kind of sad too. But, this is better for everyone.

"Really?" I ask.

Doctor Briggs nods his head, "Were you hoping for another result?" he asks.

"No, no that's great." I say.

"Well, you're free to go." he says, and with that I walk out to the waiting room.

Layla stands up as soon as I come in.

"So..." she says.

"It was negative." I reply with a hint of sadness.

"You were hoping for something else?" she asks.

"No, this is go-" I get cut off by doctor Briggs rushing towards me.

"Ms. Leaf, we gave you the wrong results, your results were positive.Your estimated to be around a month pregnant" He says.

I stand there and can't move.

"Thanks Doc." Layla says, and the doctor walks away.

"No..." I say not believing it.

Pregnant. I thought. No...

"What're are you going to do about it? Are you going to tell Corey?" Layla says.

"I can't." I say quietly.

"Why, not? He's the father. Right?" Layla asks.

I look at her with tears in my eyes, and say, "Of course he is. I can't tell him, because, he'll want to stay here and take care of me and the baby. I can't let him put his life on hold, Layla."

"Well, then are you ever going to tell him?" she asks.

I look down and say, "I don't know. I just know not now."

"Promise me you won't tell anyone? Especially Corey" I whisper through tears.

Layla look at me and says, "Promise."

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