Chapter 10: Only Hope

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I woke up to a dark room. It took me a couple of minutes to adjust. I glanced at my clock and it read seven o' clock.

I got up and went downstairs to the kitchen; to fix myself a sandwich. I entered the big kitchen and the lights were on. I found Judy at the counter sipping coffee; probably doing paperwork.

Judy looks up and say, "Hi, Summer. What's going on?"

I looked as her and gave her a half smile, "Nothing, much. Just going to fix myself a sandwich. Is that alright?" I say.

Judy gets up and head to the fridge, "Sit, down sweetie. I'll do it. You look like you've had a rough day." Judy said with concern.

I put my head down on the counter, "Yea, I guess it shows. Huh?" I mumbled.

Judy started fixing me a ham and cheese sandwich with all the fixings. My favorite. I smile because she knew what I liked. Unlike, my family; who doesn't know much about me.

I pick my head up from the counter and ask, "Is Corey still out?" I ask.

Judy looks up and says, "Yea, he's with that girl Layla.

I feel my stomach drop. I know I told him that he needs to be with someone else, but, I can't help but feel jealous. Maybe, I was wrong about everything. Corey does love me or did. I don't know anymore...

"Judy?" I say quietly.

"Yea?" she says.

"Can I ask you something?" I say.

"Anything, shoot. Well, except for math question. Ugh, not good at those." Judy laughs.

"Well, I have th-"

"Oh, that never sounds good." Judy said playfully.

I chuckled.

"I have this friend who is love with her best friend, and vice versa." I say.

"Mhmmm." Judy mumbles.

"Well, he confessed his love for her and she loves him." I say

"But, there's a 'but' coming ." Judy smiled.

"But, she didn't think she was ready for a relationship. Because she didn't want to drag him down with her. But, he told her that he loves her flaws and all. But, she thinks she might have ruined it with him. Because she thinks she's been blind; due to her fear of being hurt. She thought she was protecting him. He avoids her now, because, he felt rejected. What should she do?" I said taking a deep breath.

Judy finished the sandwich and set the plate in front of me.

"Protecting him from what?" Judy asked curiously.

I look away for a second and say, "From herself."

Judy rounds the counter and takes a seat next to me and says, "Well, Just tell Corey how you feel, Summer."

I froze and my eyes widen with disbelief.

"How did you know?" I asked shocked.

Judy chuckles and says, "I'm not naïve. I was young once too. You guys have been close to each other since you were little. Plus, I knew about Corey going to your house in the middle of the night; just to protect you. Corey, smiled when he talked about you. You've always had this special chemistry "

Hearing this filled my heart with joy.

I smile at her and say, "So, I should just tell him?"

Judy nods her head and says, "That would be best."

"I guess I should. It's my only hope." I say while taking a deep breath.

I finish my sandwich and head to my room. I lay in my bed thinking about how to tell Corey; that I was stupid and 'I love him.'"

I fall asleep to the sound of the trees rustling in the wind.

Next Day

I wake up to a bright Friday morning and get dressed for school. I caress my arm where I was cut. That scar was going to be there forever; reminding me of the past.

I go downstairs, hoping to see Corey, but, he is nowhere in sight.

"He already headed off to school." Judy said answering my question.

I smile and thank her. I grab an apple and head off to school; on a mission to salvage whatever I might have left with Corey.

I arrive at the school and start to look for Corey. I don't see him anywhere. So, I decide to head to drama and see if he's there already.

I enter the auditorium and look around. I stop when my eyes fall upon Corey and Layla kissing onstage. Mrs. Ash claps her hands.

"Marvelous, job Corey and Layla!" Mrs. Ash exclaims.

"Thank you Mrs. Ash." Layla said with her eyes lighting up.

"I could make you Summer's understudy. If it doesn't work out with her. You'll get the part. Is that okay with you guys" Mrs. Ash states.

Corey shrugs.

"I don't mind kissing Corey." Layla says while blushing at Corey.

I run out of the room before I hear anymore. I rush back the house. I open the door with tears in my eyes. I go to my room and start bawling. I was too late. The phone in my room starts to ring.

I pick it up and answer, "What?" I say harshly.

"Summer, baby! I need help. Ahhhh!" I heard my mother scream.

My heart started to pound and wipe eyes trying to figure out what was going on.

"Mom? What's going on!?" I yell.

"Your father... He's going crazy!" she continues to yell.

"What is he doing!?" I say with panic.

"He's trying to kill me!" she cried.

"Where are you now?" I say desperately.

"I'm in your room hiding in the closet... Summer, ple-ase hurry..." she whimpers.

"I'll be there soon. Stay where you are." I demanded.

"Okay... Just hurry." she whispers with sobs.

I hang up the phone and dash out of the house. My heart rate accelerating each time my foot hit the ground.

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