Chapter 11: The Hornet's Nest

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I ran all the way to the house, with my heart beating fast with fear and desperation. I reached my house and tried to open the door, but, it was locked.

I ran to my bedroom window and peered in to see my mother crouching on the ground crying. I knocked on the window to get her attention. But, to no avail she didn't hear me, because of the loud banging my father was causing. I back up try to think of a plan to get in. I looked down and see I rock. I grab it and smash the window. Cutting my hand in the process. I climb through the broken window.

"Mom!" I whisper shout.

My mother turns her head and looks at me with tear streaming down her face.

"Let's go." I said.

When my mother was about to get up, the door swings open and my father charges through.

"Marianne! You bitch." he hissed.

My mother covered her face to shield herself; from an incoming backhand. lunge towards my father and push him. He look up at me with those bloodshot eyes.

"Oh, you want to join the party too." he hissed.

"Stop, this! Or I'm going to call the police!" I screamed.

He looked at me and said with anger, "You would do that to your father?"

"You haven't been a father to me in a long time, you son of bitch." I hissed.

He backhanded me and yelled, "I'm going to finish teaching you that lesson."

I get up and back away. But, before he can do anything my mother lunges at him and grabs onto his back. He grunts and flings my mother off.

"Its' me you want you no good bastard!" my mother yelled.

"Oh, your defending her? Where has she been the past few days, when you needed her?" he hissed.

"Taking a break from this horrible life." she retorted.

I get up and yell, "Mom, no!"

My father turns and backhands me so hard I blackout for a second. I lay on the floor going in and out of consciousness. I see my father stalk toward my mother with a pocket knife in his hand. Next, I knew I heard my mother screaming and blacked out.

I felt like I was floating through darkness. A never ending abyss...

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