Chapter 13: Road to Recovery

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I get released from the hospital a couple of days later. Corey helps into the car. Corey was there for those three day in the hospital with me calming down when I had a panic attack, wiped my tear when I cried and even slept in the bed with me; until the doctor's told he needed to go.

I wish I could tell him that I was so stupid, but, I think I'm too late. Plus, I think he's with Layla. That's a good thing though; she's a good person. But, I have a hard time accepting it.

I find myself glancing at Corey and turning away when he moves his head in my direction. I look down at my fingers trying to cope with my Mother's death. I loved her so much, but, I told something bad would eventually happen; if this went on.

We arrive at the house and Judy is standing outside. Corey comes around to the passenger's side and helps me out. He puts my arm around his neck and his other arm around my waist. We get to Judy at the front door. She stands there and has tear welling in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, sweetie." she whispers.

She opens the door for us, and me, and Corey head upstairs to my room.

Corey sits me down on my bed and unwraps my arm from his neck. I take off my shoes and move my legs to the bed. Corey sit down on the bed with and caresses my face.

"Rest. Your going to need it, before school tomorrow." Corey whispered.

Corey looked as if he were going to cry. Corey get up to go. But, I grab his arm. He turns and looks at me.

"Stay with me." I whisper.

Corey looks like he's conflicted with pain. He nods his head. I scoot over to make room and Corey lays down. He pulls me close to him. Like he doesn't want to let me go.

Next Day

I wake up and find Corey nowhere in sight. I sit up in my bed and rub my eyes. I know I don't have to go to school, but, I don't want to sit here and wallow in my pain. I need to try and be distracted.

I try to get dressed, but, to no avail. I'm aching and sore. Corey walks in while I'm half-naked and trying to put on my pants.

Corey walks towards me and pull my pants up for me. While looking at me in the eyes.

"You don't have to go to school. They'll understand." Corey whispers.

I look away and say, "I need to try to cope with it. It's going to be hard, but, I can't just sit in the room and wallow." I say with a tear coming out.

Corey wipes my tear away. He grabs my shirt and puts it over my head, and pull it down; while moving his hands with the curves of my body. We look at each other for a moment; not knowing what to say to each other.

"I'll be in the car." Corey says quietly.

I nod my head.

A few minutes later I join him in the car. We arrive at the school within ten minutes.

Corey helps me out and we walk to first period drama class.

Everyone look at me wide-eyed. As if I was a three-headed alien. I try not look. I probably look like I've been through a meat grinder.

We enter the auditorium and Mrs. Ash comes up to us, "Summer, I just wanted to give my condolences." she said respectfully.

"Th-anks." I mumble.

"I understand if you are not able to continue playing Juliet." she says hesitantly.

"I can do it. That's if Corey wants me to." I said quietly.

Corey turn to me with pain shimmering in his eyes.

"Summer, of course I'd want you to be. You earned it." he said.

"Well, I guess the show must go on. If you feeling up to it. Then, it's fine to me." Mrs. Ash smiled and turned to head back to the rest of the class.

I turned to Corey and say, "Really, what about what I said."

Corey shakes his head and says, "It's fine. Things were said and we were both upset. I just want my best friend back. I almost lost you." Corey said pain brewing in his eyes.

"You were there to protect me." I say with a half-smile.

"Always." Corey said smiling and pulls me into a gentle hug. I lay my head on his shoulders breathing him in.

I couldn't bring myself to tell him how I feel. Because I just got my best friend back. I didn't want to ruin it by bringing up feelings again.

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