Chapter 23

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Hours since we temporarily joined the Alpha pack we've: slept for three hours, eaten nothing, and been training since the crack of dawn.

The twins found my phone at the school and gave it to me earlier. I've called my siblings in secret and told them to continue to hunker down in the house until I give the say so. They didn't like the idea of me joining the pack but I'm doing what I have to. Stiles must've told Isaac and Raf what happened because they're all blowing up my phone. I eventually left it on silent like Scott because I can't bear to hear their voices.


I bend down and sweep the legs out from under Aiden as Deucalion instructed. When he falls to the ground on his back, I spring up to my feet. He leaves himself open and I kick at his chest. There's a crack and it makes me smile. If I can't kill them, this is the next best thing.

"Hey!" Ethan protests. "That's a cheat move!"

Deucalion holds a hand out for me to stop beating Aiden. I reluctantly stop. "Your brother left his chest exposed. Phoebe was only using that to her advantage."

Aiden groans when being helped up. "I don't understand the point in fighting her if she's just going to win every time."

I smile. I have won, every time.

Deucalions turns to me and I drop my grin, though I'm sure he can't see me since he's blind. I can't have him thinking I actually enjoy beating them. "Phoebe is here to show you that even we are vulnerable to losing." He looks at all of us. Kali has suffered the worse from me. Scott refuses to fight, though I know some part of him might enjoy it if he does. "Again," Deucalion orders.

Aiden pushes himself up from the ground. He stands in a fighting stance, as I walk back up to him. We circle each other like predators fighting over prey. He jumps first, claws out and teeth bared. I dodge it with grace. One thing I learned is that werewolves are always go, go, go, in a fight. If you just take a second to observe them and their mindset then you can easily win.

The Alpha twin sneers. "Going to keep dodging or are you actually going to hit me?"

Didn't I just beat his ass?

I can't help but smile. I use my mind to make him feel a tap to his shoulder. When he turns at my distraction I throw my fist at his face. I can see Scott slightly smirk at the pain I'm inflicting. Deep down I truly do believe he wants them to hurt as well.

Aiden falls to the ground, not knowing what hit him. "Hey! No magic!"

"Says who?!" I protest.

Deucalion taps his cane. "No magic."


I put my hands on my hips. "Y'all never said anything about magic, so why not use it to my adva-"

Aiden lunges for my legs and knocks my to the floor, my head bounces against the mat. I kick my feet to get his arms off of me. I quickly sit up and pounce at him, my hands driving into his chest, pushing him to the ground. I take my free knee and nail him harshly in the side. He lets out a satisfying groan as I hear one of his ribs crack again. I kick and kick again. I only stop when I hear Deucalion's call to stop, which I barely notice at first. Ethan rushes to his brother and Scott pulls me away so I don't keep kicking. Aiden is too weak to growl but throws a deadly glance my way with blood dripping down his mouth.

"Calm down." Scott commands once the others flee the room to fix up Aiden.

I give him my most sarcastic salute, "Yes, sir, True Alpha sir!"

He swats my hand away, "Will you knock that off."

"Just trying to find some fun in this hell of a place," I grimace at the room we're in.

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