chapter 75 THE END

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The next day when Adhya joined the breakfast table, Abeer was sitting in the Rudra's lap again playing with his ring, Rudra was holding him with his left hand and having his breakfast with his right hand. Gauri was also present there, and Adhya thought that Rudra must be feeling uncomfortable so she tried to take Abeer from his lap but that boy started crying out loudly and clinging more to Rudra.

" What are you trying to do?" Rudra asked her in a stern voice

" I thought you must be... I mean I will take him you have your breakfast in peace" Adhya tried to make her point

" It's ok I am fine, let him be with me '"

"Okay" Adhya glared at Abeer who smiled at his victory, she just shrugged her shoulders and got settled for her breakfast

Soon Rudra left for his office, and Abeer didn't leave him until he reached the main door, Rudra said sweet things in his ears to which he giggled, Rudra signalled his nanny to take him and that boy happily came to the nanny without throwing any tantrums.

Adhya who was looking at the scene from the dining room was surprised to see the bond between father and son.

" Abhi se baap ki sunta hai" ( he follows his father from now only ).

Gauri also witnessed the scene from the dining room she felt very emotional remembering little Abeer as when he was small he used to do the same thing with his school-going brother until his brother use to assure him that he will play with him when he will return from the school. This memory make many memories alive in her heart she excused herself and left for her room.

That night when Rudra returned from work, he stopped outside his bedroom. The voice of Adhya"s scolding was coming from inside, but Rudra was wondering whom she was scolding. so he peeped inside the room where Adhya was feeding Abeer, scolding him with her sweet words

" Now you need me hmmm, just for your food and whenever your dad is around you behave with me like I am a stranger to you. You selfish boy. Trust me if you ignore me next time na then there will be no milk for you, I will make your father feed you, don't ask me how he willdo it ,as I also don't know?"

Rudra smiled at her jealousy as after spending so much time he still wasn't able to understand her true nature. Sometimes she behaved childish, sometimes foolish but when it comes to self-respect or justice she stood up for herself and fought back against anyone.

Rudra entered the room, and then the closet without even looking at Adhya. After changing his clothes he glanced at his son who was now sleeping in the crib while adhya was arranging pillows at his side. Rudra kissed his forehead and left for the dining room, Adhya was keenly observing his actions as soon as Rudra turned his back she muttered," "Hitler "

Rudra answered her while walking "I heard that "

" It was meant to be heard, '' Adhya also replied, Rudra stopped in his tracks and gave a glance at her but to his surprise, she didn't get scared of his look instead she raised an eyebrow at him. Rudra took a deep breath and left from there

When Rudra got settled for his dinner, as is his habit he asked the house for help with his mother's meal but to his surprise, he came to know that his mother had skipped lunch and dinner both. Somehow he ate his dinner and went to his mother's room with a plate of fruits and a glass of milk on a tray.

That time Gauri was talking to Garima about her journey and her meals, Rudra smiled at their bond. Rudra sat beside her and waited for her to end the conversation. Gauri disconnected the phone after some time when she noticed Rudra's presence and also the food tray ., she just gave a weak smile to him.

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