chapter 17 epic sorry

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On reaching the hotel suite adhya started crying loudly. Her parents and grandfather got worried about her.

" What happened adu? Why are you crying beta? Did you fight abeer? should I talk to him? "Devrat got worried looking at her miserable state

"Drishti what has happened to her haan You are with her all day did the Shekhawat family tell her something?"Ashish asked in an angry voice to his wife

" I dont know Ashish, she was lost all the time while shopping then after dinner she went with Abeer to the poolside ... yes and then she told me that she is having a headache. So we came back and abeer himself dropped us and he was behaving normally. He was also worried about her health, he suggested visiting a doctor too, but Adhya refused"

Devrat sat near adhya and started pressing his temple to help her with her headache.

Aadya hugged her dadu, "what happened to my doll haa tell me beta? "

" Dadu... I am... I am... so foolish dadu
Bewkoof hoon mein, why I never care for the surroundings while talking. And you know na I dont have any filter in my mouth. I did a mistake dadu and now everything is finished ."

" What mistake? " Ashish was anxious.

' I .. I, "then adhya narrated all-day happenings that happened in the garden and then at the poolside

"You did what? "drishti shouted at her

" Stupid girl you know what place rudra has in that house, ooh my God! what if he will broke this alliance. I cannot believe how stupid you can be. I am sure they will call us anytime to break the news of calling off this engagement"

"And they are right too as who will want a daughter in law who calls his elder brother in law Hitler. Main medal doongi iski biwi ko ,ab dekh kal vo tujhe medal denga " drishti said angrily to her ( i will give medal to his wife now see he will give you medal tomorrow )

Listening to her mother,adhya again started her crying session at a high pitch than before.

"Drishti stop it! adu listen to me beta you agree that you did a mistake" , and nodded at his father

"Then you should apologise to him and trust me he will not call off the wedding for this silly reason. we all will go to say sorry to them on your behalf ok now sleep princess, and no more crying ok ."Devrat tried to calm her .

Adhya nodded at her dadu and left for her room to sleep

"I will talk to them tomorrow you people just support me, I think I know how to handle this situation"

"What do you think papaji he will forgive this? " drishti asked in a worried tone.

"Hmm I think rudra is mature enough, he knows adhya is being childish in this ."

That night not a single member of the khurrana family was able to sleep peacefully they were scared for adhya's future.
Next morning Shekhawat mansion.

Abeer, gauri and garima were eagerly waiting for rudra at the breakfast table, they were scared of rudra's reaction and praying for Adhya.

Rudra entered the dining hall all ready for the office, he greeted everyone and started his breakfast. As soon as he finished with his breakfast he bid his bye to all the family members before he can leave.

Gauri stopped him " rudra we want to talk about something ."

" Ji " he turned on his heels to face his mother.

"Beta I know what Adhya did, I mean said about you.." ..

" It's ok maa she is just behaving childish and it suits her age too. I didn't mind it so relax I have an important meeting to attend, so excuse me ."

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