chapter 4

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Vivian Pov

The look on Gloria's face, I knew she was thinking the same thing as me, she's the one, the little one that we've been waiting for, I know she feels it too. After dinner was peacefully over, bella was even sleepier than before and was almost falling asleep standing up "shall we get you to your bed hun?"

I asked softly and it was as if something clicked inside of her "need Ted" She said softly, her bottom lip started to wobble slighty, I looked at Gloira with a little worried expression, not understanding her sudden change in her mood "who's Ted hun?" Gloira asked softly, sitting in front of her "my teddy" She whispered her voice small and timid "he's at your house?"

I asked soflty, pulling her back and onto my lap, after getting a nod in response I looked up at my wife with a knowing look and she nodded understanding "I'll send someone to get it, anything else you want us to get from there?" Gloria asked and bella looked up with a slightly excited look "my books? And pull ups?" She said softly, although it sounded more like a question "we sure can get them hun, do you wear one to bed?"

I asked her as Gloria slipped out of the room to instruct one of the guards to go and get the stuff "uh huh, but I'm big, don't need to be small, but but sometimes when I'm sleeping I haf accidents" She said in a small voice, trying to hide her body more into me, cuddling into me which I happily responded to "that's okay sweetheart, you're still a big girl" I tried to soothe her, rubbing my hand on her back cupping her head with the other.

It was clear she tried to deny the fact she needs to regress for such a long time.... But there are some things that you just can't control no matter how much you try "what happened?" Gloria asked as she entered sitting beside me "this little one was just telling me about how she has accidents sometimes, but it doesn't change that she's a big girl" I explained gently, since bella had decide to stay hidden in my chest.

"you're teddy and things will be here in a little bit, do you want to watch a movie till then?" Gloira asked softly, she was trying to distract her which is exactly what she needed in the moment "yes please" She replied in a whisper finally coming out of her hiding spot and looked at my wife shyly with a small smile "let's settle down comfortably and you can choose the movie"

Gloria easily replied with a smile pulled away the blankets and settling on her side of her bed "I'm comfy" Was all she said before turning around so her back was on my chest and leaned into me, I didn't mind at all "what movie shall we watch hun?" I asked pulling the blanket over both of us and putting one arm around her waist.

Testing my boundaries, she didn't seem bothered at all and nodded eagely at my question "Encanto please?" She said tilting her head to look at me "you heard her love" I said making eye contact with Gloria who nodded and started the movie.

"Ted here soon?" She asked halfway through the movie tilting her head slightly to look at gloria, she's been fighting sleep for the past 15 minutes, refusing to fall asleep without the teddy, stubborn little princess "it should be here any minute now bubs"

I replied softly easing her back into me so her back was on me again "m'kay" She said softly clutching the blanket with her fists, a knock made me look up from Isabella, I watched as Gloria went to open the door, thanking someone for a brief moment and coming back with a bag.

"Ted!" She exclaimed happily making grabby hands towards a créme Coloured Stuffie "here you go little one" Gloria cooed gently handing her the teddy and smiled as it was immediately pulled into her chest.

"Shall we get you ready for bed bub? Ted is gonna stay right here I promise" I said softly removing the cocoon of blankets around both of us and stepping out of the bed before holding out my hand towards her.

Isabella Pov

The queens were exactly like the town people had told me, they were kind and gentle and very sweet, although there were some bad rumours about them I never believed them.

And now after spending time with them they were so so wrong! Both of them are the kindest people I've ever met, they even asked me to call them by their first names... I've never seen them do that.

Vivi wanted me to get ready for bed, the three of us were watching Encanto and I was on her lap, she was comfy and tall and strong, not that Gloria wasn't.

Gloria was a little stricter, but still very sweet and she gave nice hugs, they make me feel safe just like vivi's does, I've never felt like this with anyone before.. Feeling small and vulnerable to this extent.

"Ria come too?" I asked softly looking at Gloria shyly, I wanted both of them near them, like I couldn't let either of them out of my sight, they made me safe and I didn't want to let go of that.

"Of course love, let's get you all ready" Gloria replied almost immediately climbing out of her side and I held on on Vivian's hand as we walked into the bathroom.

"Do you need any help?" Gloria asked gently, crouching down in front of me holding my hands gently "the strings please?" I asked hesitantly, I could never get them right.

"Sure sweetheart" She replied with a warm smile that made my nerves ease up, I was still a little hesitant around but whenever they smiled it always made me feel better and not bad.

Gloria lifted up my shirt and untied the strings, I saw vivian shuffle around the bag for a little while and pulled out one of my pull ups, making my cheeks go red immediately, I wasn't a baby

"Shhh it's okay love" Gloria cooed at my gently, her thumbs wiping under my eyes gently I hadn't even realised that I started crying, that just made me even sadder

"Get changed bubba, and then we'll get you all settled in bed" Vivian whispered gently guiding me towards the small section of the bathroom which was covered with curtains

It has been a long day, so much stuff has happened, from living alone to coming to the castle and now spending the night here... I'm tired and emotional, bed sounds really good right now

I hastily put on the pull up, pulling up my shorts that were loose on me without the strings and clutching the underwear with my other hand "ria" I whispered out walking out

"I got you buggy" She said softly Crouching down without wasting a Second and tieing them, she also took hold of the underwear from my hand and threw it into what I assume is the laundry basket

"Vivi" I looked up hesitantly, she'll think I'm such a baby "yes sweet girl? What is it?" She asked with a smile, they both made it so hard not to slip "bed please" I said deciding to be a little brave and speak out my mind

"Of course love" She whispered softly, putting her hands under my armpits and lifting me up, I squealed a little in surprise, and then relaxed into her hold, I rested my head on her shoulder

Both of them were different in physical features, Queen vivian was tall and blonde with baby blue eyes and Queen Gloria had light brown hair with green eyes a little darker than Queen vivian

Compared to my pale skin and dark blue eyes, with dark brown hair, they both were like goddesses, I reached out to touch vivi's blonde hair taking a small piece in my hand

I played with it, my head on her shoulder and the little swaying motion she was doing along with her hand rubbing my back, I almost fell asleep right there

"The little one is asleep?" Gloria asked softly as she came back from sorting out the laundry making me open my eyes slightly and looking at her "oh sorry love bug" She whispered

She kissed my forehead and tucked some loose hair behind my ear I nodded lightly and then at a state of semi sleepiness I felt myself being moved into a bed, which was very cozy and warm and Ted being tucked into my arm who I grabbed on to tightly

As I completely went to Dreamland my last thoughts were somewhere along the lines of, how long it had been since I've felt so loved, safe and taken care of

When was the last time someone gave me their attention, and took out time to carry me and tuck me in bed

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