chapter 25

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Gloria POV

Me and vivian both enjoy shopping, but i think it's safe to say we enjoy shopping a lot more when we're shopping for the littl cutie

We're already on the third cart, we've gotten everything from dresses, shorts, shirts, onesies, dungarees, they all just look so so cute on her

We're now making our way to the baby isles, the ones for littles to get some more little stuff for Bella, she's also just about to run out of pull ups she got from her house

And we also want to get her some really cute diapers, ones she can choose on her own and also toys

The little isles has the best toys and she's gonna be so so exited, "momma up" She whispered softly halfway through another isle

She was rubbing her eyes every few minutes and her walking had slowed down a bit "come here bug" I cooed gently scooping her up

"Should we buy a stroller first?" I asked vivian softly swaying Bella gently "we should, she can nap while we buy some more clothes and once she wakes up we can let her choose her toys" She said rubbing Bella's back

We quietly made our way to the stroller/car seat area, we picked a kind of dark colour stroller, the seat was a dark purple and the rest of it was navy blue

It was soft and spacious, Bella's diaper bag fit perfectly in the bottom space and she didn't even twitch a muscle once I placed her in the seat buckling her nicely

"Is she dry?" Vivian asked softly once she was all buckled in, making me slightly glare at her, she should have reminded before I buckled her all in

"Babe I just buckled her in!" Vivian flashed me a small smile and bend down in front of bella putting her hand in one of her leg cuffs also patting her front area gently "she's a little wet, but nothing that can't wait"

I nodded and pulled the cover of the stroller halfway, so the ceiling lights were directly not on her eyes and she could rest

"What else do we need to get? I think we have covered most of her clothes" I said eyeing the full carts "maybe some more shorts? She seems to like them" Vivian said walking towards the little summer clothes section

I pushed Bella and followed picking out some more shorts and finally making our way to the check out

"Wanna get a little snack while the little one rests?" I ask softly grabbing vivi's hand and kissing it

"Sure babe, should we go to that small cafe we like?" She asked making me smile, it's been a while since we've come to the mall, but there's this little cafe that we used to come a lot to

Gently I tucked Bella's blanket around her and made sure she had her paci and Ted, we made our way towards the little cafe

The owners gave us a big smile and a bow before going back to the counter and we sat down at our usual table, the one near the window

"One coffee and cinnamon bun babe?" Vivian asked, making me smile and nod "get a small hot chocolate for the little one, she can have it after she wakes up" I said making vivian chuckle softly

She nodded and made her way towards the counter to place our order, I peeked in on bella, she was still sleeping peacefully

Bella POV

I shifted slightly on whatever I was sleepinh on, but it definitely wasn't momma's shoulder where I fell asleep

I barely opened my eyes and I seemed to be in a sort of stroller, my blanky was draped half over me and Ted was tucked in with me as well

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