chapter 7

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Gloria Pov

Waiting for her to answer our question seemed like an eternity, but it was just a couple of minutes

"I wanna try" She mumbled softly, looking at both of us hesitantly, it only took a moment for Vivian to process what she said

Bella was pulled into her chest in a big hug, her arms wrapping around her, cupping the back of her head and her smile

It's the biggest I'd seen in days "thank you for trusting us sweetheart" I said softly moving some hair away from her

"I stay here?" She asked looking at Vivian for confirmation and after a firm nod and smiled from both of us

"I like it here" She whispered, leaning further into Vivian her whole body relaxing into her embrace

"I'm glad you like it here honey, we love having you here" Vivian replied in a gentle tone and lifted her on her lap to make her more comfortable

"Are you tired love? It's been quite a morning hasn't it?" I asked gently, she had cuddled into vivian and looked like she was about to fall asleep any second

"Mhmm, jus a tiny bit" She replied softly, settling to sit on Vivian's lap with her legs on either side of her and head on her shoulder

"Let's go and take a nap honey, lunch should be ready by the time you wake up and we can discuss the rules after that" Vivian said to Bella in a whispered tone

"I get rules?" She asked quietly, lifting up her head to look at me for a brief second "yes baby,  we need to make sure you are safe, so you'll have a couple of rules, is that okay?"

I answered, resting my hand on her head and making her lay down on vivi's shoulder again, after she gave me a small nod

"Close your eyes honey, I'll tuck you in with Ted" Vivi said finally when she noticed that the little one was still awake after a bit

"No sleep" She mumbles out hiding her face further in Vivian's neck "why not bub?" I asked curiously

Trying not to chuckle at her childish sentence "be with vivi and Ria" She said as if that explained everything

After saying that to prove her point she looked up at me briefly and played with vivi's hair trying her level best to not let her eyes droop

"Would it be better if we stay with you while you nap?" Vivian asked with a small smile, pulling Bella away enough so she could look at her face

"Yes please, an milky?" She asked hesitantly still looking at me with a hesitant look clutching on to Vivian's dress

"Of course hun, you and vivi head up. I'll be right there with your milk" I said softly kissing her forehead as vivian stood up with her

I could faintly hear both of them talking softly as vivian made her way upstairs and I made my way towards the kitchen

I found a green sippy cup with animals printed all over it, looking at it reminded me that we need to introduce Bella to Duke our German Shepherd

He's at the stables now, but he needs to come into the castle soon, he absolutely loves playing in the grass

But I know that he misses us, which he'll prove by sticking to us for the next two days, I placed the sippy cup in the microwave to warm it up

Once it beeped I shook around the cup to make sure it warmed up nicely and made my way towards our bedroom since the door was partly open

Isabella Pov

After I agreed to try to become the little of the queens, and they both genuinely made me feel safe and loved

I didn't want to disappoint both of them, but their constant re assurance helped a lot, which brings me to my current situation

The Queen's Baby (our little princess) Where stories live. Discover now