chapter 24

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Bella POV

Mama got me dressed in shorts and a cute top, it was hot outside so it's okay, me, momma and mama got into the really big car and there was a special kind of seat for me

But it looked kinda scary... It had so many buckles in it, "baby come here, sit on your seat" Mama called me over gently

I still hadn't entered the car after spotting the big seat "it's scary" I Mumbled softly as mama picked me up and placed me in it

When I was actually in it, it wasn't so bad and it was also my favorite colour, and the inside of the seat was kinda soft and comfortable

"Mama's gonna put the buckles on you now okay? And you can hold our hand throughout the ride" Mama said softly as she took the buckles and secured them over my chest, running her hand over them to make sure it wasn't too tight

It was toooo bad, just kinda tight I didn't mind it much though... After I was buckled it in, mama sat on my right and momma sat on my left

"Momma where we goin?" I asked softly, grabbing her hand and looked outside, watching the buildings pass away, we were going deep into the city

"What are you most excited for bubs?" Mama asked, breaking me away from my dream land and making my attention turn towards her

"I dunno mama, toys?" I asked, I don't know what kind of shopping we were going for, but I wanted some bath toys, all I had right now was a rubber ducky

"Sure sweetheart we can get some bath toys" Mama replied with a smile, making me smile and nod my head

"I was thinking maybe we should get her a stroller?" Momma asked mama, who nodded "that will definitely come in handy babe"

"Have you ever been to build a bear sweetheart?" Momma asked me, handing me my sippy from her bag, which I took eagerly and gulped down the cold water

"Don know what that is momma" I replied once I was done with my drink, shaking my head

"Oh we are most definitely going to build a bear! You'll enjoy it so much sweetheart!" Mama said enthusiastically, making me nod just as excited

"Do you want your room to be a different colour?" I shook my head, I liked how my room was right now, it had purple AND blue, two of my favorite colours

"I know you said you want stickers on your walls, would you like fairy lights too?" Momma asked, making me tilt my head so I could look at her

"Yellow?" I asked with a smile, they will. Make my room all sparkly and pretty!
"Any colour you want sweet girl" Momma said and kissed my hand

"We're here your Majesties" The person from the front spoke, making me look outside, we were parked outside a really big mall, and it looked crowded

"Come on sweetheart" Momma said gently unbuckling my buckles and lifting me up, setting me on the ground, making me grab her hand immediately

"Okay sweetheart, there's a few rules for while we are at the mall alright?" Mama said crouching down to my height

"No going anywhere without me Or momma, not going anywhere we can't see you, if you see something you like either tell me Or momma, always hold on to our hand or the cart, and if anything makes you uncomfortable let us know"

I nodded my head tightening my hold on momma's hand, I didn't wanna be away from my mommies specially not in such a crowded place

Vivian POV

The mall was not heavily crowded, just a little but more than normal, I made sure to explain to Bella not to go anywhere without me or Gloria

There are so many people who would want to take her away from me and gloria and I cannot let it happen, the mall is double secured and the chances of that happening are very slim, but it never hurts to be extra protected

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