chapter 10

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Gloria Pov

Anyone who took one look at Isabella's face could tell that she was nervous, and her tight grip on my hand just proved to that

"We added your own chair to the throne room if you want to sit on that" I whispered softly as we walked down the empty hall, hoping it would at least make her excited to see the room

"Rwally?!" She asked in a excited tone, her eyes shining with excitement, I chuckled softly and nodded in confirmation causing her to squeal a little

"Do you want to know what colour it is?" I asked in a hushed tone as if I was telling a secret "uh huh" She nodded fast

"It's purple" I whispered with a wink, on the contrary to our traditional red thrones, both of us wanted it to have a personal touch for her's

"That my fav'rite colour!" She exclaimed happily, her pase speeding up a little,  I kept up with her considerably fast pace and stood outside the closed door

"Shall we go in?" I asked softly wrapping one arm around her shoulder and pulling her close, and opened the door after she nodded

Vivian was already seated on her throne, talking with one of the guards, most probably asking about how far Megan is, Megan is Vivian's sister

"Vivi" Bella whispered softly pointing at Vivian and tugging on my dress sleeve gently "yea baby, that's Vivi, let's go see what she's up to"

We both made our way towards Vivi, Bella's throne was in the middle of both of ours and significantly smaller than ours

Vivian's face lit up as soon as she saw us approaching her, and Bella's eyes we're trained on her chair, looking at it in awe, I smiled at Vivian she knew what I meant she returned it instantly

"You can go check out your chair bubba" Vivian said with a light chuckle after Bella's constant eyeing for a couple of minutes but too shy to say anything

She smiled happily and skipped over to her throne and ran her hand through the fabric, it still surprises me how gentle she is with everything, weather she's big or small

"How far are they?" I asked Vivian leaning on her throne and glancing up at her "a little under 15 minutes" She replied leaning in and pressing a soft peck on my lips making me smile against her lips

"You think she's gonna be okay?" I asked hesitantly glancing at Bella, who comfortably sat on her throne, looking very content "she will be fine babe"

My wife was quick to re assure me and gabbed my hand before pulling us both towards the little one

"Is it comfy baby?" Vivian asked softly, kneeing down so she was more in eye level with Bella

Her eyes lit up immediately at the mention of the throne and nodded fast, "uh huh, it's super comfy Vivi! An it's purple!" She said happily her voice rising up towards the end filled with excitement

"I see baby! You wanna switch with me? I would love to have a purple throne" Vivian teased slightly, moving some hair away from Bella's face

"We can share?" She asked with a hopeful look, look at that little bug, she's got such a big heart, she couldn't imagine that Vivian could have anything she wanted

She stood up and pulled Vivian till she was securely seated on the small purple throne and Bella climbed on her lap with a little bit of struggle, but with a little bit of help from Vivian she settled comfortably against her

"Vivi happy?" She asked glancing at vivian and then at me "very very happy baby, but how about we sit on my throne? This one is ALL for you" She whispered putting emphasis on all and pressing soft kisses on her head

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