chapter 16

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I just want to thank everyone for the tons of birthday wishes, it made me so so happy. A huge thank you to anyone who takes time to read this and votes and comments, you guys have no idea how much every vote, every comment means to me. Thank you so so much, I hope you'll enjoy this.

Gloria Pov

We made our way to one of the living rooms, both our parents were there having some snacks and tea

"Do you remember their names sweetheart?" Vivian asked softly, making her look up from my shoulder giving a small nod

"Uh huh hen'y an mal'inda an Lord josh an lady lydia?" She asked softly, although she butchered my parents name a little bit she still remembered them

"That's absolutely  correct sweet girl! I'm so proud of you for remembering" Vivian exclaimed happily giving a sloppy kiss on Bella's cheek

"Vivi! Tick'les!" She said in between giggles, turning to hide her head in my neck again

"I'm done sweetheart and we're almost there darling, you ready?" Vivian asked, placing her hand on Gloria's back this time rubbing her hand up and down slowly

"Mhmm" She nodded softly, her fist tightening on my dress just a little bit "we're gonna introduce you to them okay sweetheart, if you feel overwhelmed at any time let one of us know and we'll leave" I tilted her head to meet my eyes and said to her

Vivian nodded her head and the guards opened the gates for us, my parents were sitting on one side and Vivian's on the other side

A large variety of snacks and tea was placed in front of them, they seemed to be happily chatting among themselves, but looked up when we entered the room

"Hi baby, how are you both" My mom came to us first, giving Vivian a hug first and moving towards me

"We've been good mom" I smiled and nodded, adjusting bella on my hip so she could look at my mom "that's my mom sweetheart"

She looked up at my mom, a little hesitantly, giving a small wave, sucking on her paci gently "hi there honey, I'm your grandma, it's lovely to meet you"

My mom said in a soft tone, extending her hand and bella shook it softly, I pointed to everyone else and introduced them "that's my dad Henry, you're grandpa, and those are Lord josh and lady lydia, you're other grandparents"

She started at Vivian's parents for a bit and nodded softly "we've told you plenty of times not to call us lord and lady gloria, mom and dad works just fine" Lydia said softly getting up and coming closer to us

"You can call us nonna and papa if you like honey, it's very nice to meet you" Lydia said softly reaching out her hand like my mom and shaking it

"Nona" She whispered softly, looking at Vivian's mom to make sure she said it correctly and smiled back when she nodded softly

"Come babe, let's sit down, we have an hour before we need to get ready for the ball" Vivian said leading us to the middle couch and sitting down

"How are you liking it here honey? Have mummy and mama been treating you good?" My mom asked glancing at me and vivian briefly

"Mhmm goodie, got a pur'ple chair an met Duke" She replied in her usual soft tone tilting her head and looking at me once she finished

"Purple chair?" Vivian's mom asked confused, I let out a soft chuckle looking at her "she means her own throne lady lydia, we got her a smaller one to keep in the throne hall" I explained, nudging vivian gently when she won't stop laughing

Bella pov

I met grandma and grandpa and Nona and papa, they're all really sweet and nice, I'm a little scared of them but they give me warm smiles just like vivi and ria when I look at them

Nona was wearing a very pretty necklace and I've been eyeing for a good couple of minutes, it's a really beautiful diamond necklace with an arrangement of blue diamonds in the middle

"Nona?" I called out softly, they were busy talking about something related to the ball and I was more than happy to stay snuggled up in ria's arm

"Yes sweetheart?" She asked softly, looking at me a lot like vivi does, she really does look like an older version of vivian minus the hair

"Uppies?" I asked hesitantly raising my arms towards her and glancing back at vivi to make sure it was okay with her

"It's okay baby, nonna's very nice I promise" Ria whispered into my ear before passing me to Nona

My immediate reaction was to hide in her neck, just like I do with vivi and ria so that I didn't have to look at her face

I felt Nona sit down with me on her lap, her hand going up and down my back, calming me down considerably

After a little bit I bundled up enough courage to peek out from my hiding spot and look at Nona

As if she felt my eyes on her she turned back, giving me a warm smile and I saw blue eyes similar to Vivian's looking at me

"Done hiding little one?" She asked in a whisper, making me blush and nod my head "I promise I don't bite" She said the last part in a softer tone pressing a kiss on my head

I nodded gently, my hands reaching up to touch her necklace, the shine and elegance of it was mesmerizing and I ran my finger over it gently

"You like the necklace my sweet girl?" She asked softly and I simply nodded my head, not ready to let go of the super shiny and beautiful item

"One second sweetheart" She whispered softly reaching behind her back and removing it from her neck

She made me move my head slightly and put the necklace on me, since Nona was considerably taller than me, it hung a lot lower on my neck than it did at hers, I could easily play with it

I shook my head pointing towards her "Nona's necklacwe" I mumbled softly, not wanting to take something so expensive and pretty from her

"And i'm giving it to you darling, you're my first grandchild it's my job to spoil you" She explained softly

"But expensive" I said again, hoping that she would change her mind and take it back, I glanced back at vivian and gloria who were both looking at me

"Sweetheart, I'm the lady of this kingdom and you're mom's are the Queen's of this kingdom, I don't think you gotta worry about money darling. All of us in this room will do anything for you remember that" Nona said in a gently tone,  but I could hear the seriousness behind her words

I teared up slightly and hugged her rightly by her neck, mumbling a string of thank you's, "you're more than welcome little one" She said softly

She slid me off her lap and gently nudged me towards vivi and ria giving a little pat to my bum, I giggled lightly and ran to vivian squeezing to sit in between both of them

"We'll meet you at the ball mom and dad, need to get this little one changed and ready. Thank you for giving her the necklace mom, you didn't need to" Vivian said as they both got up

I held on to a hand of both of them and waved at grandma and grandpa and Nona and papa "hush vivian, she's my granddaughter of course I have to spoil her"

"Say bye baby, we'll see them at the ball" Gloria said gently making me look up at all my grandparents "bye gran'ma, gran'pa an Nona an papa" I said softly and waved a little

All of them waved back at me and me, gloria and vivian walked out of the room back into their bedroom, I was so so excited for the ball!!

There we go! She's met the grandparents

And there's something very exciting about to happen in the next chapter! So stay tuned!!

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