chapter 20

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Vivian Pov

Bella was stuck to either me Or Gloria for the remaining of the ball, not even a dance could make her leave our side and that little bug loved to dance

I could tell how much Bella's upset, affected Gloria, she started taking medication for lactating shortly after bella agreed to be our little and it's safe to say they have started taking affect

She has been pumping in her study, till she starts storing enough for bella to feed on or collect enough and give her in a bottle

Both of us have noticed how much she likes milk before nap time and bedtime, and Gloria's always wanted to feed our little one, but our previous little just wasn't interested in it which is not really surprising since all she really did want was money

But the way Gloria vinced when bella cuddled into her chest was evident that she was pretty full, I think it will be beneficial for both of them

"Are you done sweets?" Gloria whispered to Bella who had stopped eating after just a couple of spoon fulls and laid on Gloria's chest contently

"Done momma" She mumbled softly, making me smile, all throughout dinner, Gloria held her close to her chest, while she finished her own dinner

"Take her upstairs I think she's done for the day" I whispered to Gloria while making my way towards the main hall again for desert

"You sure?" She asked unsure, I nodded softly, kissing Bella's head "maybe talk if she wants to feed today, she seemes to be awfully interested in them" I explained in a whispered tone

She nodded softly, her eyes glancing towards Bella who had been using her chest as a pillow and was busy in a eye game with silica, giggling to herself every so often

"Shall we go up for the night honey? Wanna say bye bye to silica and your grandparents?" Gloria asked and received a small nod in return

"Bah bye" She lisped out from behind her paci, waving her hand bye at silica first since she was closer and then spotting her grandparents and waving at them too

Both my mom and Gloria's mom came over after seeing her wave and gave her a kiss and a hug and said good night to her

I made eye contact with Gloria after Bella was done with the goodbyes, her face tucked in Gloria's neck, her favorite spot

I nodded silently at Gloria, we both can communicate flawlessly without the use of words and she immediately understand what I meant and gave me a small nod in return along with a big smile 

"Let's get going my little darling" She mumbled softly to Bella while they walked out of the main hall, towards our room and I saw Gloria kiss Bella's head gently and I turned my attention back to the guests in the room

The event was still going on after all, and I had things that needed to be done, one of them being making sure the guests are okay

Gloria Pov

Bella was wide awake by the time we reached our room even with my swaying and shushing

A layed her down on the bed gently, kissing her forehead "let's get you ready for bed bubba, bath now or tomorrow?"

I asked her, slipping off her shoes and socks and putting them by the closet, "tomorrow pwase" She whispered behind her paci, making her voice even more lisped than usual, but it was absolutely adorable

"Sure sweetheart, let's get you changed then" I smiled pulling off her dress and leaving her in just her pull up and the white spaghetti top she had under

"Come let's go potty love and we can get our pj's on" I held her hand making our way to the bathroom and helping her use the toilet "good job little one!" I smiled after she used the potty and flushed it

She giggled softly, hugging me by my waist "let's get those teethies clean" I Quickly helped brush her teeth and we went back to the room Bella laying face first on the bed

I got some comfy pj's for her and her diaper "roll over darling, we're almost done" With a pout on her lips she moved and I quickly dressed her for the night making sure the diaper was snug

"Momma wants to talk to you for a second baby" I spoke gently, sitting on my side of the bed leaning against the bed rest

"Momma okay?" She asked concerned, I could see her furrow her eyebrows and look at me

"Momma's okay sweetheart, I wanted to ask you something, you know how some babies drink from their mommies?" I asked cautiously

"Mhmm" She nodded gently, and looked away from me, I frowned a bit at this and gently grabbed her hand making her look at me

"What's going on in that pretty head little one?" I whispered to her, pressing a gentle kiss on her hand "me wan milky from mommies bu, bu me dunno if mommies wan tha't" She said softly and I was almost about to reply when she took a deep breath and continued

"Cause cause when mommies haf milky an babies haf it, it makes the'm all safe an comfy an warm, cause they're surrounded by their mommy an it ju'st it feels really good me fink" She rambles on, sighing a little at the end

"Baby doll, you know you could have told us you wanted to nurse darling, we would have said something sooner" I whispered softly pulling her on my lap

"Sowwey momma" She mumbled, playing with my fingers "would you like to have momma's milk bubba?" I asked her, my voice barely above a whisper

I didn't know how she was going to react, she definitely likes the idea of nursing but is she comfortable enough to do it with me?

"Me can momma? I haf momma milky?" She whispered, her voice filled with shock and astonishment, I looked down at her and nodded softly giving her a smile

"Es pwesse momma" She said nodding eagerly, "give momma just a second sweetheart, I'll get some comfy clothes and you can nurse"

She nodded, clearly very excited for the nursing and slipped off my lap, I hurried to the closet and changed out of the big dress into a plain spaghetti slip and shorts

Looks like it's about time I start to invest in some nursing bra's and dresses "all ready my little baby?" I asked entering back into the bedroom, tying my hair into a loose bun

"Ready momma!" She smiled, Ted was tucked in her arm and she was waiting for me sitting at the middle of the bed

I sat down leaning against the bed rest and pulled bella on my lap, I unhooked one boob and pulled it out, wincing slightly at the soreness

"Remember to be gentle okay honey? It's just like your baba but no biting" I explained softly running my hand through Bella's hair

She thought carefully for a few seconds and latched on to my boob, I gently loosned her lower lip and helped her get a better latch on

The feeling was a little odd at first, but it was a very very magical moment, the way she looked up at me while she sucked away, her eyes holding only love and admiration for me

It almost made me melt, we both were soaking in each other's presence and comfort, she closed her eyes after a little bit, tracing shapes on my arm that was holding her

The door opened very gently, and vivian walked in, making Bella open her eyes and look up at me, I looked at vivian briefly who had a dopey grin on her face and shushed Bella who continued to suck away

There we have it!! Bella's finally getting to nurse and enjoying the ultimate level of comfort in my opinion. Let me know if there is anything specific that you want to see next!!

Gimme you're views in the vote and comments

**** There Will Not Be An Update Next Week Because I Have Some Personal Things Going On At The Moment, But There Should Be Regular Updates From The Week After That ****

Thank you for all the love you guys have given me and understanding me..


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