chapter 30

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Just for a quick re-cap

There is
Vivian - mama
Gloria - momma

Vivian's parents - nonna and papa
Gloria's parents - grandpa and grandma

Gloria POV

Vivian took Bella from my arms gently and held her in her arms just like you would to a very little kid

Bella noticed the shift and saw vivian holding her, she gave a small smile and kicked her legs happily, cuddling into her

This is probably the second time she's been this little and I really can't get enough of her, I looked up meet Vivian's eyes and she had the same look of content in her eyes that I did

"How did it go with your mom?" I asked softly, watching as Vivian shifted Bella in her arms, so Bella's head was layed on her shoulder and she patted her bottom gently

"It went good, they were over the moon to have their little girl back again and dad just couldn't stop cooing at her, it was fun to watch him turn soft again" Vivian said shushing Bella when she wriggled, nuzzling into Vivian's neck

"I'm just gonna put her down in our bed for a nap, I don't want her to be alone when she's this little" Vivian said getting up and laying Bella in the middle rubbing her hand over her tummy

"Or maybeee Bella isn't the only one who is feeling jealous today and you simply don't want her out of Your sight after she spend the whole afternoon with our parents" I teased softly, chuckling when I saw her face turn red

"Hush! I just want our tiny girl with us" Vivian said laying down on her side and propping herself up on one elbow, gently rubbing Bella's tummy

"Well I can't say I disagree with you babe, I want our girl with us too for a while" I said joining her and laying down in the same position facing Bella

I ran my thumb over her cheek gently and watched in amusement as her eyes flickered over to me for a second before she fluttered them close not able to fight her sleep any longer

"Shhh we've got you baby" Vivian said as she started to whisper "good night moon poem to her"

Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown

In the great green room

There was a telephone

And a red balloon

And a picture of

The cow jumping over the moon

And there were three little bears sitting on chairs

And two little kittens

And a pair of mittens

And a little toy house

And a young mouse

And a comb and a brush and a bowl full of mush

And a quiet old lady who was whispering "hush”

Goodnight room

Goodnight moon

Goodnight cow jumping over the moon

Goodnight light

And the red balloon

Goodnight bears

Goodnight chairs Goodnight kittens

And goodnight mittens

Goodnight clocks

And goodnight socks

Goodnight little house

And goodnight mouse

Goodnight comb

And goodnight brush

Goodnight nobody

Goodnight mush

And goodnight to the old lady whispering "hush"

Goodnight stars

Goodnight air

Good night noises everywhere

(I've fallen in love with this poem recently and i absolutely love it when my caregiver reads it to me during bedtimes)

Within seconds Bella's shoulders relaxed and her breathing evened out, telling me that she was most definitely deep into dream land

Bella Pov

I turned out clutching Ted closer and sucked on my pachi a little harder, not wanting to be woken up from my happy and comfy sleep

"Hi angel, did you sleep good?" Mama asked softly and I felt a small kiss on the back of my head and a hand rubbing my back

I nodded and rolled over, rubbing my eyes sleepily and opened my eyes looking at mama "mama" I called out softly nuzzling into her chest

"Hi my baby, what's up" Mama asked with a soft chuckle, wrapping her arms around me and holding me close

"Love mama an momma" I whispered softly with a giggle, peeking my head out and kissing mama's cheek sloppily "why thank you darling, momma and I love you too"

Mama's reply came without hesitation and it made my heart all warm and comfy and really loved

"Where momma?" I asked looking around the room, not spotting here anywhere

"She's out with grandma and grandpa baby, they had to talk about something" Mama whispered kissing my head

"Back soon?" I asked playing with mama's hair and sinking into her "wanna go and see momma? I'm sure they must be almost done by now baby"

I nodded fast, not ready to let go of her yet "let's get going bubs" I happily clung to my mama as she got up and lifted me into her arms

"Why don't we get you all cleaned up first darling?" Mama asked patting my bottom and laying me on the edge of the bed once I nodded

After a quick change and getting all dry and comfy I was scooped back up and I snuggled into her shoulder

"Let's go see momma and maybe we can even meet little aunt Meg" Mama said in an excited tone making me smile and nod

A nice fluffy chapter for you all, I hope you like it!

And I got the result for the test I did last week! And guys I did pretty good! I'm happy with my result and thank you so much for all your love and support

The poem is really something that's close to my heart for personal reasons and I hope you guys like that as much as I do.

For the next chapter,  feel free to give me your ideas on what should happen should we have more drama or some more emotional stuff? I'm confused between the two

Vote if you liked it

- Alex

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