chapter 9

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Vivian Pov

I can't believe my wife! She bought up the Royal event in front of Bella, we both know she's comfortable just around us, nobody else

She still gets nervous when we go to eat at the dinning hall and those are just people from our own kingdom.

I can't even began to imagine her reaction to meeting kings and queens from other kingdoms

I quietly walked with Bella to her bedroom, to get her promised paci, she's so cute when she's all shy and blushy

But no matter how cute she might be sucking on her thumb, god knows how many germs might be there and I don't want my baby getting sick

"Did you keep your paci somewhere honey? Or it's still in the bag?" I asked looking around her room in search of her paci

"Dunno" She replied simply lifting her head from my shoulder and looking around with me, I spotted it on the side table, one of the maids must have kept it while cleaning

"Here you go little bug" I cooed softly holding out her paci for her to grab, to my surprise instead of grabbing it like I was expecting her to, she opened her mouth waiting for me to put it in

I smiled and placed it in her mouth, she gave me a smile behind her paci and nuzzled back in my shoulder "Ted too?" She asked in a whisper

I chuckled softly and grabbed the teddy from the bed, holding it out for her, she grabbed on to him tightly and pulled him to her chest

"Ted says he missed you" She says after a couple of minutes of silence, playing with the Teddy's ears "is that so? Well I missed Ted too" I replied and watched her giggle loudly at my response

"Hey" I heard Gloria say from behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist gently and pressing a soft kiss on my other shoulder

Even when I'm upset with her, her small shows of affection always makes me smile "I'm sorry for bringing it up" She whispers again, tightening her hold a little

"Ria!" Bella squealed happily, seeming to just spot her right now "hey sweetheart" Gloria replied softly, but her tone was definitely a little off

"Ria sad?" Bella asked in a quiet tone raising her hands towards my wife, we really don't give her enough credit, she's very attentive and smart

"I'm not sad honey, but of course I would love some cuddles" She smiles, it was not a big smile, but a smile none the less

She lifted Bella out of my arms and held her close, rubbing her back in a soothing motion and Bella's arms were wrapped around Gloria's neck

"We do need to talk to her about it, where she wants to be tomorrow, but it has to be her choice" I said in a soft voice, looking at my wife's eyes and giving her a smile

The sentence itself was enough for her to know that I was not mad anymore, but also that I'm not against the idea of involving Bella in our important events if she wants to

Isabella Pov

Vivi carried me back to my room to get me my paci, after she saw me suck on my thumb, but I've always sucked on my thumb when I couldn't find my paci

But vivi says that it's yucky and that I should try not to do it, cause there can be icky things that will go in my tummy..  I don't want icky things in my tummy!

Gloria came to the room after me and vivi successfully managed to find my paci, it was playing hide and seek but we found it!

I was resting my head on vivi's shoulder when Ria came and she was standing behind vivi, hugging us both which I just noticed

I smiled happily and greeted her, she did reply to me, but there was just something about her voice that wasn't right, she sounded sad?

I didn't want Ria to be sad, so I gave her some really nice cuddles, wrapping my arms around her neck and holding on to her tight, cause cuddles make everything better!

I could faintly hear vivi and Ria talking, but all I could hear were jumbled words because of how softly they were talking, after a bit I felt Ria rub my back softly making me look up

She smiled down at me, it was not like her usual smile but a lot better than before "cuddles make better?" I asked softly, reaching my hand to touch her face

"Yes darling, you're cuddles made me better, can we talk to you about something?" She asked hesitantly and I felt myself becoming bigger hearing that

"Yes? H-have I done something wrong?" I asked hesitantly, looking at vivian since she was in front of me, my eyes watering a bit

"Oh baby, you've done nothing wrong, you're such a good girl, it's about what's happening tomorrow" Gloria whispered softly swaying me a little in her arms

I gave a small nod in response, just realising that she was still holding me "down please?" I asked hesitantly looking at her, it felt a little weird being carried and not feeling small

"Sure honey, let's sit down" Gloria said, not a hint of anger in her voice, which assumed there would be

I felt myself being placed down on one of the chairs opposite to the big one, and it was was so big that my legs couldn't touch the floor

"We have the annual Ball tomorrow, it's when all Kings and Queens of the four kingdom's meet as a formality and discuss/announce something if there is anything of that sort" Vivian explained sitting on her big chair and looking at me

I tensed up at that, Duke seemed to have noticed my shift in mood fast and rubbed his nose against my knee, making me pet him

We're they telling me this so that I could stay in my room tomorrow and not bother anyone? Just cause they agreed to be my caregivers doesn't mean they are obligated to take me to such events

"And we wanted to ask, if you want to come or not, we can officially introduce you as our princess" Gloria added with a small smile

They wanted me to come... To be with them, but there would be a lot of people ther, but then again if I'm going with the Queens I know for sure they'll keep me safe

"I can come?" I asked hesitantly, still not believing her and after getting two nods in response I nodded softly "I wanna come, i-is that ok?" I asked adding the last part quickly

"Of course darling, it's more than okay, it's our honour to introduce them to the new princess" Vivian said with a big smile, making me blush and hide my face

"Shall we go down to the throne room? My sister is coming in a little bit, would you like to meet her?" Vivian said with a warm smile catching my attention and making me tilt my head sightly

I always feel better when they ask for my opinion on things "uh huh, nice?" I asked after a second, slowly starting to feel small again since the important conversation was over

"She's really nice baby, is my tiny baby back?" Gloria cooed at me, rubbing her thumb over my slightly red cheeks and nodding at her question

"I gotta be big?" I asked in a whisper, staring into Gloria's green eyes with a little sadness "no baby, you can be small" She replied almost instantly making me calm my nerves

"Let's go and meet my sister" Vivian said standing up first and coming towards me leaning down and kissing me on my head before walking out

I got off the big chair, landing with a soft thump and held on to Gloria's outstretched hand grasping it tightly, both of us made our way towards the throne room at a much slower pace

There's that! Next chapter will be introducing to Queen Vivian's sister! Stay tuned !!

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