chapter 21

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Vivian Pov

The sight in front me was absolutely precious... Bella laid on Gloria's lap, I could just see Ted's ear poking out from under her arm

Gloria's spaghetti strap was lowered from one end and faint sounds of sucking could be heard from the room, Bella clearly was smaller than usual and enjoyed nursing

"How does it feel?" I asked softly, sitting on my side of the bed and kissing Bella's head gently and Gloria's cheek

"It's absolutely magical, she hasn't been this small before, but it's like the moment she started nursing all the tension left her body" She whispered back

I smiled at both of them gently and made my way towards the bathroom to change into my night clothes as well, I couldn't wait to snuggle with both my girls

I took the quickest shower I could and changed into my pyjamas, when I entered the room this time, bella was laying in the middle of the bed, her eyes curiously looking around

"Hi my baby, did you and momma have a good time?" I asked gently, slipping in bed beside her and grabbing her hands

"Momma milky!" She said happily, squealing in delight when I kissed her palms and Gloria entered from her study room

"I left this bug for one second to grab her other paci left in my study" Gloria came towards me, pecking my lips gently and going over to climb on her spot

"Are you alright? You feel fine?" I asked gently, shushing bella who cuddled into me, Gloria's smile widened and she reached out for my hand giving it a gentle squeeze

"I feel so happy babe, like I can't explain it in words how it felt when she was nursing and looking up at me with those innocent eyes" She whispered softly

I smiled back in return and kissed Bella's head who was now half asleep, sucking on her paci lazily, one hand held Ted and the other one fisted my night shirt

"Was she okay after the screaming?" Gloria asked, her voice barely above a whisper, I rubbed Bella's back slowly hoping she'll fall asleep

"She was pretty shaken up and had another accident, she didn't talk to my mom though, when I came she was curled up on our bed and Duke's head was near her hand who I think tried to cheer her up but it didn't work" I whispered back

I smiled when Bella's hand loosened on my dress and her breathing evened out, she was in deep sleep now "poor baby... I know how much she hates loud noises"

I nodded in agreement "get some sleep babe, tomorrow we need to take bella shopping and we promised we'll play with her new gift" I reminded making her nod

I propped up on my one elbow and so did Gloria, she pecked my lips gently and then my cheek and forehead "sleep well babe" She whispered before laying back down and closing her eyes "night babe"

Bella Pov

I woke up cuddled close to a warm body, sighing contently and snuggled closer inhaling the sweet scent which vivian and Gloria's room always had

I woke up 'big' for the first time since I've been here, and surprisingly it felt alright, and now I also know a lot more about my little side

"Are you awake baby?" I heard vivian whisper, rubbing my back gently, they always woke me up really gently and it swells my heart every single time

"I'm up vivian" I whispered back, rolling onto my back and looking at her with a smile, her expression was a mix of shock and slight confusion

"You feeling big today love?" Gloria spoke from my side making me look at her and nod, she seemed a little hurt by my reaction.....

"It is because of last night?" She asked hesitantly, and I could tell even thinking about something like that was hurting her

"No! No! Absolutely not!" I said too fast, sitting up and facing gloria "last night was absolutely amazing! And little me was super super happy, so happy that the first time in forever I felt comfortable enough to switch without being scared..."

I looked up hesitantly to meet Gloria's eyes after I finished up and she flashed me one of her warm smiles, opening her arms and making me fall into them

"I'm so glad to hear that bug, because last night was absolutely amazing for me too, I've never felt happier" Gloria whispered gently

"You ready for breakfast bug? Both your grandparents are gonna be there!" Vivian said excitedly, I turned to face her, nuzzling my back into Gloria

"I need to be small? Or big?" I asked hesitantly, fiddling with Gloria's rings gently "you be whatever you're comfortable with sweetheart, it's completely your choice" Gloria softly says kissing the back of my head

"Can I go change vivi?" I asked looking at her, wanting to change into something a little different than my little clothes "of course bug, come back here when you finish and we'll go down together okay?"

I nodded and scooted closer to her and hugged her gently, smiling when I felt her arms wrap around my back "you know your way around?" Vivian asked me concerned

I smiled and nodded "yep! I'll see you in just a little bit, love you!" I didn't even realise I spoke the last part until it registered in me and I shut the door, most definitely harder than it needed to be

I made my way to my room fairly easily, it was pretty near to the Queen's, walking through my closet I found a pair of plain black jeans and a back tee that said queen on it, ironical isn't it?

After brushing my teeth and being satisfied with my Appearance, I went back to the Queen's room and knocked twice, just to be polite, a faint "come in" Came from inside and I peeked my head in before entering fully

"Wow baby! Look at you all dressed up" Vivian was sitting at the now made bed, fully dressed for the day, I nodded softly walking closer to her and sitting down and side hugging her

I'm glad they don't mind showing me affection even when i'm big, because I really enjoy it.. 

"You look pretty too vivi" I whispered back, looking at her and smiling "why thank you honey! I'm just waiting for Gloria to finish and then we can go" Vivian said softly, running her hands through my hair

"Okay, Ria! Hurry up pleaseeeee" I said flopping back on the bed "I'm done I'm done!" Gloria came out of the bathroom all dressed and she looked equally pretty!

A little different for this chapter, don't worry bella won't be big for long. I felt it would be a nice change

Thank you for being patient with me and waiting for me to update! Updates will be regular from now on!!

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