chapter 11

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Isabella Pov

Meeting aunt Megan wasn't as bad as I was thinking it was going to be, she looked a lot like vivi, which was to be expected

But behavior wise they both were completely different, vivi was gentle and soft and gave out a warm aura, and aunt Megan was loud and kind of funny

There was something she said that stuck to me and, made me shy, I decided that I had said hello and that seemed polite enough for the moment

I hid back in vivi's neck, it was my safe spot hiding in vivi and ria's neck, no one could get to me if I was there and it made me feel safe

Aunt Megan called vivi and Ria, mama and momma.... Am I supposed to call them that? Do they want me to?  Am I Supposed to?

I know that almost all little's call their caregivers either momma, mama, mommy, mami, papa, daddy, dada, baba any other abbreviation of the typical titles for mother's and fathers

I faintly heard Ria tell Aunt Megan to freshen up and meet them for dinner and ria came towards me and whispered that she was proud of me for saying hello and it made me smile softly

One of the rules was that I had to be honest with them and deciding that u didn't want them mad at me after all, I decided to ask them

I hesitantly asked if they are momma and mama, and I hoped it was enough for them to understand what I was trying to ask

"Bub, yes those are some of the titles that caregivers are called, But" Vivian softly said lifting my chin up so I was looking directly at her before continuing

"You don't have to call us that or anything else unless you want to, not because someone said to call us that, we're happy being vivi and ria till you feel the need to call us something else" She continued

I nodded softly understanding everything that she said and it made me feel even more comfortable with both of them if it was even possible

I hugged her by her neck tightly, letting go after a couple of seconds and reaching my arms out to Gloria and doing the same, they're really going at my pace

"Thank you" I softly mumbled loud enough for both of them to hear, Gloria nodded and gave me a warm smile before kissing my cheek gently

"So tomorrow, both of our parents are also coming along with the four kingdom's rulers, have you decided if you wanna go darling? And they already know about regression and that you are a little so you don't have to worry about that" Gloria gently asked me

I know they both told me that I don't have to be forced to go to the event just because they asked.... But the thought of meeting other kings and queens seemed kind of exciting

And also my grandparents? Is that who Lord and lady are going to be to me? I have never had grandparents, but I've heard from my friends that they are nice and love to spoil their grandchildren

But I don't know how they are gonna be...  I know that both of them will keep me safe regardless of anything, but I don't want to meet any mean people

"Parents nice?" I mumbled in a whisper not wanting to offend either of them by thinking that I thought their parents could be mean

"They are really nice baby, would you like to know their names" Gloria asked softly moving towards her throne and sitting down

"Let me tell you their names for now, and if you want to know anything else we can talk about it after dinner alright?" Vivi said walking over and leaning over the arm rest

I gave a soft "mhmm" In reply and nodded "my parents are Henry and Malinda and Vivian's parents are Lord Josh and Lady Lydia"

I nodded again, I've heard Lord and Lady's name's before and some other things with I'd rather not talk about but I've heard nothing about Ria's parents

"Let's head to the dinning hall baby, we can talk more in our room after dinner" Vivi said standing up from where she was leaning against the throne and made her way to towards the door

"W-wait! Go t'ogether" I said shyly, hoping I was loud enough for her to hear me, vivian made her way back and stood besides Ria "I wasn't leaving baby"

Vivian whispers slowly with a gentle smile on her face making me hide in Gloria's neck again and I felt her start to move, I peeked out glancing at Vivian who was now walking besides us

Every time I peeked out Vivi glanced at me at the exact same time making me hide again and letting out a few giggles

Gloria Pov

She really was the sweetest thing ever, it always amazes me just how much raw innocense she has when she's regressed

"Hello there! Dearest sister and sister in law and tiny one!!" Megan screeched jumped out from one of the hallways leading towards the dinning hall

I jumped slightly at her high pitched noise, tightening my hold on Bella and glancing at Vivian who seemed to be less than amused with this act

"You are a heir to a royal family, it's about time you start acting like it" Vivian snapped, looking at Megan with a stern look

Leaving those two to sort out things on their own I turned my attention to the sniffling and quietly crying baby in my arms

It seems Megan has scared her more than I thought, her grip on my neck was tight, fingers clutching on to my dress

And my hand which was holding her up was considerably warmer than before which told me that she had been so scared she wet herself

I really love Megan, but right now she's not my favorite person, she terrified our baby to the point she had a accident

"Shhhh baby, it's okay you're okay, that was just Megan" I whispered softly swaying us softly and rubbing her back

"W-was lo'ud" She said hiccuping slightly, a little better than before "I know it was sweetheart, but no one is going to get you here I promise, can you try and breath like me"

I explained in a gentle tone, taking some big deep breaths hoping that she would follow me and she does, take some ragged deep breaths with me

"There we go, my good girl, such a good girl" I said cooed and kept whispering sweet words into her ear till she was completely calm

"Hey, I just got done dealing with Megan, is she okay?" Vivian rushed to us, I was standing in one of the hallways trying to calm her down

"She was crying till a couple of minutes ago and she had a accident when your sister yelled" I said in a quiet tone, not wanting Bella to break into another set of tears

"I swear that girl is going to be the end of me" Vivian grumbled under her breath, resting her hand on Bella's back and rubbing it softly

"You take her to our room, I'll tell someone to get us some dinner and we can eat there. I don't think she's up for sitting in the dinning hall today" I said softly

I had seen the look on Vivian's face, she needed to hold Bella to make sure that she's okay and to physically feel her, she's a natural at caring for people, it's embedded in her nature

"Hey babe, take her, I'll get the food sorted and meet you in our room" I said shifting Bella and letting Vivian take her from my hold, and Bella latched on to her almost immediately

I smiled and kissed Vivian's lips gently and Bella's forehead and made my way towards the dinning hall

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