chapter 23

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Vivian POV

There's obviously something going on between my mom and Megan, I don't know what it's about but she's been acting really weird ever since we got Bella

She used to be a lot more sensible and calm and gentle in a sense, also Gloria and Megan have always gotten along well, but it seems that, that's changed as well....

"Are you excited to go shopping sweetheart? We're gonna get you some pretty clothes and make that room all nice and cozy, we can even re paint it if you want" I heard Gloria whisper to Bella, trying to distract her from the obvious tension in the room

She was still sitting on my lap, enjoying her breakfast and occasionally talking with Gloria about something "we can get stickies? The ones that light?" She asked softly, tilting her head gently to look at me

"Do you mean glow in dark stickers bubba? The ones that you can see that night?" I asked with a soft chuckle when she nodded her head furiously

Right now the room was a mix between light purple and blue, but we can change it up if she wants to, I subconsciously tightened my arms around her waist holding her close

"You can have your room however you want" I whispered softly, scooping up the last bits of breakfast and feeding her

"Are you excited to go shopping sweets?" Gloria asked softly standing up and scooping Bella up who nodded her head

"Can you take her to get dressed? I'll be there in a little bit" I whispered, glancing towards my mom

"Sure babe, don't take too long" Gloria whispers giving me a reassuring smile and walks out after nodding towards my parents and her parents swaying Bella who waved at me as they left the room

"What was that about?" I asked in a monotonous voice, glancing at my mom "not here" She said softly, looking Towards Gloria's parents

"They've been a part of this family for over 20 years now, I'm sure we're past the keep family drama at bay phase" I said sightly annoyed

"Megan does not like Bella very much, she said that she thinks it's going to turn out like last time and it will be a Britney repeat all over again" My mom said in a hushed tone (their previous little who tried to take advantage of them)

The moment that other name left her mouth, I could feel myself clench my jaw tighter and i narrowed my eyes at my mother

"Do you believe what Megan is saying?" I asked looking her straight in the eye, and my mom's eyes widened immediately

"God no vivian! I know how pure and sweet that girl is, which is why I asked Megan to take some time and actually get to know her then she'll understand what an amazing little human she is" My mom said with a deep sigh

"Your sister thinks I'm siding with you and I always agree with you because you are the current queen and that I'll never be as happy with her as I am with you, and how you turned out" My mom said in a sad tone, well that did not sound like Megan at all

"We both know that's not true, you raised us beautifully and I know you are equally proud of her and the achievements she has" I said in a much softer tone watching my mom's eyes glisten slightly and she nods her head

"We're going up to our room, if you want to talk about anything we're here for you, we raised 3 girls after all" Henry (Gloria's father) said in a gentle tone and both of them got up leaving just the three of us

"She's never had any issues with any of the previous littles we've had, not to mention she adores Gloria but they haven't been talking as much as well" I said in a concerned tone

"I really don't know what's going on with her sweetheart, you saw how she blew up" My mom said sadly, she loves both of us so much...  I can see it on her face how much it's hurting her

"I'll talk to her later, give her some time to calm down first. Don't stress too much mom, try and get some rest"

Gloria POV

There was some serious tension in the dinning table and I could tell Bella didn't like it one bit

After making our way out of the room she happy rested her head on my shoulder, playing with my hair occasionally

"What do you wanna wear bug? Big outfit, little outfit? Pull up? Diaper?" I asked softly placing Bella on our bed smiling as she flopped down

"Mmm pullie an mama choose outfit" She smiles crawling up to the pillows and grabbing Ted and her paci

"Okay sweetheart, come here so mama can help you" I cooed softly patting the edge of the bed where I placed her moments ago

"Gonna get my princess all nice and cozy" I smiled softly, making sure she was occupied with Ted, I went to our closet and got a cute top with shorts, they will hide her pull up well and a pull up as well

"Gonna get my princess all nice and cozy" I smiled softly, making sure she was occupied with Ted, I went to our closet and got a cute top with shorts, they will hide her pull up well and a pull up as well

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"You like these shorts bug?" I smiled sliding the pull on her first and then the shorts, lastly with the shirt which caused her to wine a little because she had to let go of Ted for a bit

"He's right her bugy, all done look" I smiled moving some hair away from her face and kissed her forehead

Just as I finished touching up my make up a little bit the door opened gently, making both me and bella look up from our spots, Bella who was busy going through her dino book again, she absolutely loves that book

"Momma!" Bella squeals happily, getting off the bed and running to vivian who just as eagerly hugged her and scooped her up swaying her

She made eye contact with me, and just by the look on her face I could tell, whatever went down with her parents wasn't anything good

"Is my little girl ready for shopping?" She asked Bella enthusiastically, bouncing her gently, and smiled when Bella gave a firm nod in response

"Let's get going then sweetheart, momma already asked the driver to get the car to the front, you ready babe?" She asked with a smile

It wasn't a usual smile, but it was still something, I knew she didn't want to talk about whatever it was while Bella was with us, so I will ask her when Bella naps

"Let's get you some pretty clothes and things to decorate your room" Vivian cooed at Bella who only giggled in response cuddling into Vivian

We made out way to the front of the castle where our usual car was ready for us, it's about time I got our princess some nice clothes and spoil her, just like she deserves it

I added the outfit for reference, is that something you guys enjoy? Or do you like to imagine the outfit?

Tell me your views in the comment if you want more pictures in the future or not

And what's some stuff that the Queen's should get for Bella? Other than clothes and toys (fell free to mention any specific kind of toy)

And thank you so much for your support!


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